Opinions on Taurus PT-111

Okay everybody, I need your input.

A lady I work with wants to buy a gun, and my gunshop guy
recommended the Taurus PT-111 Millenium.

Anybody have any opinions, feedback, experience, etc. with this

I don't, so I need your help



New member
Run a quick search on the PT-111 here and you will find alot of info. I know of at least one thread with negative implications on the handgun you specified.


New member
I had one. Got rid of it. It was reliable but the trigger was super crunchy and it was very dificult to put back together.


New member
I agree with Coop57. I have a PT140 and the trigger feels like cr*p. However that being said it functions well, was accurate, has nice safety features and was reasonably priced. Whatever this person decides to buy they should try to fire on at a range if possible. If not than at least handle the weapon and get an impression of the ergonomics.


New member
Yeah, do a search. You'll find lots of info.
I had one for a very short time. In a nutshell. THEY SUCK!!
There are much better guns out there for not that much more. You might want to think about the used market to. I'd take a used Glock or S&W over any tuari any day.:barf:


New member
I don't think you can say 'the rivets holding the gun together are no good'. You can say they _were_ no good specifically on his pistol. They faild, but it's hasn't been stated whether it is because of the design, or the make of those particular pins.

I have a pt145, and while I haven't shot it yet (waiting for my ammo order), I have dry fired at least 1000 times. The trigger does go from long and gritty to just long. I suspect the trigger on the pt-111 will yield the same results.

I also agree that the gun is more difficult to reassemble after a field strip than it needs to be.


New member
I'll never shoot one again.

I have to assume that my gun was a dud from the word go, but even before the thing fell apart I was unable to group my shots regardless of distance.

I wouldn't recommend it for a woman simply based on the heavy trigger pull. That in and of itself is enough to make you scream!

Have her look at a Beretta Tomcat, seems much more suited to a woman in my opinion.


Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
I've never owned one, and never will. Quite frankly, I think they are a P.O.S.

Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.


New member
I haven't been lucky w/ Taurus semi-autos. Apply to the pt-111 or not...But, you know, for inexperienced shooters (ie your friend) who are looking for a defensive weapon, there are more attractive options for her. 1st of all, consider that after her initial intro to her pistol, she probably won't fire it too often. A long and initially gritty trigger may not be good for her. She may never go through enough rounds to work out the grittiness or enough to get use to the long trigger pull. 2nd, as a defensive weapon, have her find something w/ a better reputation for reliability and durability. Lastly, if they are difficult to reassemble after field stripping, this might just add another excuse to why she doesn't practice more often. The more simple something is, the more it will be used ;)

RH Factor

New member
I just went through all this...a choice between a glock 26, a Kahr P9, a Taurus pt 111 and a Kel Tec p11.....I went with the Kel Tec P11...am very happy so far and was in the price range I wanted. You'll get many that say wait and save more money and get something better....well..if that's what you want to do...go for it. I don't care what gun you get, you'll always find someone on the net that will tell you it is a POS and another that will tell you they've had one for years and put thousands of rounds through it. Go and shoot them all...then buy the one that feels good.
RH Factor


New member
I wouldn't really recommend a PT-111 or Kel-Tec P-11 to your friend if she is new to guns. I don't think either would be a good first gun for anyone, particularly if she is not likely to do the necessary reliability testing of different types of ammo and the magazines. I own a P-11 and like it but I would only recommend it to someone who is familiar with guns. As mentioned, the PT-111 is supposed to be somewhat difficult to disassemble/reassemble, this would be doubly so for a novice.
She would probably be better served with a revolver.
Don't have a PT-111, but Do have a PT-145. Haven't had a problem with it. I wouldn't say the trigger is "cruchy" but I have put about 400 rounds through it. Group is not a problem. At 10 yards, I can now do 3 inch groups. The DAO does through me off a little but it works for me.

As for stripping and putting together, piece of cake. No problems there either.