Opinions on Ruger DeerField 99/44


New member
Hi folks, It's been along time since I posted, but I've been lingering and reading.

So!! I'm thinking of a new rifle, I have a Marlin Lever in .44 Rem Mag. and like it. But the thought of a semi in this cal. , ...... well..... excits me!!

I have held one in a store, I'm convicing myself to breakout the Via.

Has anyone heard of any problems or other concerns. I'd love to hear what you have heard.

Thanks, Stay Safe & Shoot Straight. Tack


New member
Re Deer Field

Well guys, after 21 hits, no replies and twelve hours I have some news,...... I bought one this afternoon. I always said, to be educated and watch for the deals.

A local "large retail dealer" , you guys in the US don't have them, listed it for $833.99. So I went to a "shooting store" where a friend of mine works part-time and they had one with Aimpoint Sight on it for $810.99 as a special. Not interested in the aimpoint, so it suddenly became $749.99.

I'm not convinced that I want a scope on it all the time (ruger rings provided) but they had the Bushnell Sportchief 1.5 x 4.5 x 32 with the "circle X" reticle (sp?). I've been looking at this for a while and of coarse a perfect match.
Where I bought the carbine , the scope was $112.00 on sale for $109.00. Back at the original store, reg. price $98.00. Strangely enough had to go by the original store on the way back. ;-)

Three mags. on order, only 4rds. each, so that's that. Of course you do realize that this NEVER would have happened if my marriage hadn't gone south earlier this year ...... ;-)

Have a good hunt folks, have to go to the range tomorrow and put this thing through its paces.

John D

New member
Yikes, I hope that $800+ dollars are Canadian! I bought my Deerfield for $399 American....

Can't give you a shooting report; taking it out for the first time this weekend. I can say that I like the looks, the feel, and the sound of that action slamming home!


New member
Hey John,

Amen on your observations....

Alas, yes it is in CDN$ I won't bore you with the details of the Fed.7% Goods&Services Tax AND the 8% Provincial Sales Tax........

Anybody down there short a cop??????


New member
hey all,
I bought a ruger deerfield about a year ago and am pleased with accuracy, funtion and reliability. as with all rugers it is rugged.


New member
If you like the cartridge and it's proformance, then go for it. Remember, although a very adequate round, it's just a pistol cartridge. Don't expect too much in the way of distance. I have a Ruger .44Mag., and I would not even attempt a shot more than 100 yards. Yeah, I know, some guys will tell you that they shoot out to 150 and 200, but for that round, any sensible hunter would not try to take large game beyond 100 yards in brush, which is what that rifle is good for, BRUSH, not open field.


New member
I bought one last year for $350 or so. I put a Mueller scope on it. The one they developed for black powder. It's an easy shooting rifle, even with the factory fold down peep. I killed one deer with it in November and had no issues.

I read about it in magazines, etc. before I bought it but I was still surprised when I got it home. I laid it on the bed next to my 10/22 and the thickness of the barrel was the only visual cue which was which. The size was exactly the same. A very light and handy rifle. Quick from port arms to the shoulder. And God knows how many thousands and thousands of rounds I've got through my 10/22. That's got to result in the sights falling right on target. I figured it would be ideal for walking up deer in heavy cover. That was the plan but the one I got during rifle season was from my stand. One of my handloads with XTP bullets worked perfectly.



I bought one of the old style Ruger Carbines about 30 years ago. Put a Weaver Qwik-Point on it. That's an OLD fiber optic red dot scope. Since then, it's been through thousands of rounds, and scored a few deer. It's deadly out to the 80-100 yard mark, even with a zero magnification dot scope, and 55+ year old eyes. Good choice for a brush rifle. Mine likes the Remington 240 gr. SJHP, and the Starfire 240 gr. SFHP.


New member
My father-in-law bought one of the old 44 carbines years ago, and it has been passed around the family as he quit hunting years ago. Mostly kids using it, but the adults have used it mostly as a brush gun. We figured out it has taken over 40 deer, had over 1000 rounds down the tube, and I still shot less than 1/2 " at 50yards with cheap ammo. No hiccups, ever, and is a fun gun.

My only problem is finding a stock for it to cut down so I can put a recoil pad on it..that way my 6 year old daughter can shoot it.


New member
Bought one 3 years ago, love it

Great shooting, short-range deer or hog gun down south. I expected at least a little recoil, but didn't notice any (yeah, my other gun is a .45-70).

I also got some extra mags, just in case I need it for social work.