Opinions on M&P 15-22 - ammo reliability


New member
Well, I have wound up winning an M&P 15-22 from Field and Stream Magazine( Gun Nut Challenge 2014 ). It will be a few weeks for all the paperwork and such to go through, but it's on the way. I'd been thinking about getting a .22LR gun, as the ammo supply has begun to return to my area ( NE Florida ). Currently buying what I can, when it becomes available.
What I'd like to know is what other people here at TFL have experienced with it regarding various brands of ammo. I'd like to keep it, but I'm thinking that certain political outcomes in the near future (*cough* *cough* *CLINTON* *cough* ) may cause another round of panic buying. And 22LR may become subject to another long session of getting whatever you can, when you can - I know other places, it's still that way.
My own experience with semi-auto 22's and that semi-reliable world of the 'net has shown me that they don't always eat what you feed them. Not all the information and opinions on the 15-22 are recent. I'd like some recent experiences of those who have one regarding ammo brands.


New member
At one time I used Remington ammo in my .22lr guns almost exclusively, but a few years ago I began to experience a number of duds. I then switched to CCI branded ammo and have been very happy with it.


New member
I have over 10k rounds through mine and haven't had any issues yet shooting it both with and without a suppressor.


New member
I just looked at your location, Dakota - I'm in Saint Augustine, too! We may have very well crossed paths somewhere…..


New member
I am currently shooting 30-40 year old Montgomery Wards, Sears, Peters etc ammo along with some newer stuff. Except for an occasional dud my 15-22 is totally reliable and fun. Don't worry about the 15-22 just feed it and smile.


New member
Mine get mostly Federal bulk, but of the other types I've tried I haven't had any serious reliability issues.

They are pretty good rifles.


New member
I've shot 4 MP 15-22s extensively (1,000 or more each) with several different types of ammo. All cycled reliably, with the occasional dud rounds you'd expect with .22lr.

Ammo Brands/Types used:
  • 1) CCI Stinger
    2) CCI Mini-Mag
    3) Fed Automatch
    4) Win bulk packs
    5) Thunderbolt
    6) Rem Golden Bullet
The two CCI types gave the best groups. The Automatch had the most failures.


New member
I found that the Federal Automatch ammo to be as reliable as CCI minimags in my MP15-22. The bulk packs of Winchester and Federal did ok. However, CCI Blazer gave cycling issues. Remington Golden was the least reliable of any of the brands/types of ammo I tried as it had many duds and had frequent difficulty chambering.


New member
Thanks for the responses - looks like the consensus here mirrors what I've been reading. I'll try a bunch of brands ( thankfully, 22LR is returning where I am - NE Florida ) and see what works. Looks like most of them will do so.


New member
My experience with my 15-22 in the past has been pleasant. The only ammo that it did not like was the bulk pack of Winchester 333rd box (white box). I would get an occasional jam or Failure to fire with that ammo.

Shotgun Slim

New member
Loving my 15-22. Very reliable and a good shooter. Smith recommends against the Remington Golden Bullet ammo in the owner manual but mine runs it ok. Also,to the horror of the smart crowd I got some Promag 32 rd mags for it and they run fine. You will find that the position of the first round in any mag is critical for functioning. Not a big deal but the round has to have a pronounced nose up attitude. My rifle so far is hiccup free for about 3500 rds of assorted ammo. Enjoy.


New member
Last box of Remington Golden bullets that I had sucked so bad I intentionally left them at the range as a free gift to whoever picked them up. They jammed and misfed in my M&P 15-22, 22/45 light, and buckmark. Next to Thunderturds these are absolutely some of the worst .22 ammo out there.