Opinions on Colt Anaconda

I am thinking about investing in a Colt Anaconda. I could use a "hunting handgun" capable of cleanly harvesting deer and black bear. I recently handled a Python that felt very good, but would feel better with a .44 Rem Mag. I am not into Smitties because 2 out of the 3 Smith and Wessons I have experience with have had problems of some sort. I was looking at the Ruger Redhawk but I find them so horribly fugly...the Anaconda really appeals to me so if I can find one and don't hear too much bad about them, I'd like to pick one up.

Dusty Miller

New member
Well, I've been really happy with mine. I shoot a 336gr. cast WLN lead bullet but right now I can't tell you the velocity. It sports a Bushnell Holoscope and SOMEDAY I'm going to get time to go pig hunting with this rig. The trigger is good and the balance is just fine (6" barrel).

Sir William

New member
Ruger makes a 5.5" Redhawk in 44 Magnum. I think it is classical in appearance. I would prefer a Ruger SBH Bisley hunter in 44 Magnum. The Anaconda is alright, I just don't think they were fully developed. They lack the Colt smoothness of older Colts. Too many steroids. LOL


New member
my thinking is any colt handgun will rise in value over time. look at the king cobra, it was a $350 gun in the late 90's and now if you can find one its well over $500. not a huge jump but a rising price tag for sure. i bought an anaconda last year and paid way too much for it. maybee in 2 years i'll break even.


New member
I like mine. Good lookin' and good shootin'. Bought it for $399 in early 2000 just before Colt said they were dropping it.


New member
Between the wife and I, we have an ANACONDA, REDHAWK, and S&W629

The Anaconda is in the shop
the 629 is accurate as a mofo
the Ruger is big.

I personally shy away from COLTS. They are great guns and we have 4 of them. I just don't feel the trigger is as nice as they claim and for the $$$$ you can get a comparable revo. COLT to me is like a HARLEY. Overpriced for what you are getting.


New member
Robert M Boren Sr, . . .

I have owned the Python, Anaconda, Super Blackhawk, Blackhawk, and Super Redhawk.

The Python has incrementally the better trigger feel, and even though it was only a 4 in barrel, . . . in an indoor range, 50 ft targets (several years younger also I might mention), . . . I consistently dropped 10 out of 10 in the black, if not in the 9 or better rings.

The Anaconda probably came in a close second for accuracy. I did not keep it though, as I have a weakend right wrist, and half a box of full house .44's was about all I could stand. I traded it for the Super Redhawk which has more of an "up and back" recoil, . . . the Anaconda was just straight back for me. I can shoot a full box of .44's in the Super Redhawk. I believe it is a bit heavier also (though I never weighed them).

The Super Redhawk shoots 3 inch groups at 50 yards, open sights, sitting rest. I could do just a bit better with the Colt.

Conclusion, . . . get the Anaconda, it is one fine firearm, . . . if I had it to do over again, I would probably have kept it just for plinking, . . . wasn't thinking when the offer came.

May God bless,

Montana Waddy

New member
The Colt big snake

I purchase a matched set in 44mag/45 colt a number of years ago. When I took delivery they both had problems with timing. Sent them back to Colt and the custom shop repaired them. Both were a joy to shoot. Was a little disapointed having to have them repaired. It was worth it. I got the pair for 450.00 a piece. Sold them for 1600.00. I wish I would have kept them.


The Colt Anaconda is a nice revolver but really isn't worth the hefty price you would pay for a new one. In The end, if you think it's worth it and have the money then buy it. There's nothing wrong with the quality, it's just expensive.


New member
I bought my Anaconda new in Feb. of '95...I just pulled out the receipt to take a look. The only thing I don't like about it is the black rubber Hogue grip...or is it Pachmayr?...too narrow for me. I like something with a little more girth in the palm. But, the gun is hell for strong and I can shoot it pretty comfortably. It's also extremely accurate. It weighs about 14 tons, but it's a big .44, eh? If you can get one for a decent price, why not?

Here's a pic of mine.

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New member
Pass on the Anaconda and go with the Ruger or S&W. $ for $ the Anaconda is not worth it. NIB prices below are active on gunbroker as of today:

Anaconda $949 :eek:
Super Blackhawk $381 :D
Super Redhawk $539 :)
Redhawk $499 :D
S&W 629 $650 :)

I have had and shot all of them and in no way is the Colt even close to worth the extra $300-$575. For that matter the Anaconda I owned came NIB with a canted bbl... :mad:

Dusty Miller

New member
I wish I had the time and inclination to put about 50,000 rounds thru a SBH and another 50K rounds thru an Anaconda. I think that's where the extra money comes in. HOWEVER, I'm certain I'll never put 50K thru any gun in my lifetime so its an academic exercise.


New member
yes but why is it $949? because of low production numbers and demand? back in 95 when larry bought a new one he probably paid around $599. its almost doubled in almost 10 years.


New member
The big price increase in Anaconds came about when they went from production models to Custom Shop models. Check carefully as some people are putting Custom Shop prices on older regular production models. There are no difference in the 2 models.
I bought my .45 Colt Anaconda used for $325 back in 1993 right after they came out. Never had a minutes trouble out of it in all these years.


New member
I have a Smith 629 and an Colt Anaconda 44 mag.
The Anaconda is incredibly accurate. The Smith can not hold a candle to it.
The Anaconda is a much better built gun.
I paid $400 at a gun show years ago when Colt still made production revolvers.


New member
back in 95 when larry bought a new one he probably paid around $599...
In '95, I paid $399 NIB for the Anaconda at a Houston gunshow. I've never had a single problem or issue with the Anaconda, it's been a flawless .44. I can also say the same thing for the 5 1/2" Ruger Redhawk and S&W 629-1 that I own. The 4th .44 that I own is a S&W model 29 Classic. It had a problem NIB, but Smith obligingly fixed it, and it's been 100% ever since.

I use my guns only for range work, so they don't get beat around. Other than the grips, I prefer to shoot the Anaconda more than any of the others.


New member
1) I'll go the 50k Blackhawk against a 50k Anaconda anyday. That's not even a contest. Blackhawk wins. Recent production Colts are not known for their long term reliability. They get loose fairly quick. Many need tune ups right out of the box.

2) Anaconda is still a standard production gun. Call Colt and ask... 1-800-962-2658, when I did they not only told me that the Anaconda is no better nor produced any differenly than the old Anaconda.

3) Like everyone else I have a fondness for Colt. I still get that warm fuzzy feeling when I see/feel some of the older and sometimes newer models. Facts still are that anyone that pays $949+ for a plain old 44 magnum is not only getting the fuzzy feeling their also getting something poked up the backside as a bonus.

4) Call 561-683-6042 to get an Anaconda for $600 at a local shop that can't seem to move it. It's an older model that needs a little time with a dremel and a polishing kit to make her look new again. It's the best deal I've seen on an Anaconda for quite some time. Probably get it for $550 with some effort.


The Anacondas are just one example. But it's getting worse and worse. I understand Colt just upped their dealer price $150 on 1911's. But, I guess that's to be expected from a state-owned company. One that won't sell AR's to civilians.

I'm slowly turning against Colt. Love their products (if I can find them), but they're way overpriced and overhyped in many occassions.