Opinions on a Glock

Garand Guy

New member
I am considering joining my local Sheriff's Dept as a reserve officer. To the best of my knowledge, they carry Glocks. Anyone have any opinions (stupid question, I know) on the Glock 22 (I think) in 40cal?


New member
Glocks are great guns. They can apparently go up past 100,000 rounds! Although it's rumored (and proven in some cases) they go KB in calibres larger than 9mm.
Good Choice on the GLOCK

That was my first GLOCK, but i sold it for a GLOCK 17, and just recently (a week ago today), bought a new GLOCK 23. good gun, just dont shoot reloaded ammo, and lead through it, you will be fine. get yourself a Hogue handall, for better comfort, and recoil control.

you do your part, and GLOCK will do its part


New member
They're awful! They suck! They are a sin against JMB!!

Just kidding. As a hard core 1911 fan, I will grudgingly admit that they are pretty doggone good guns. Very reliable.

Harley Quinn

Glock 22 in 40 or 357 or 9mm or 22

Those are all the barrel's that gun will handle. Some don't need a mag change others do.

Good shooter, they are one of the most sought by law enforcement of late.



New member
I have about 9-10K through my G22. One failure to feed in the first box, I cleared it before I thought about it so I don't know the cause. Not one hitch of any kind since then. Accurate enough, reliable, and an all around nice gun. If I were issued one for duty use I would feel well armed.


New member
Get a Glock

I purchased my first Glock in 1987 - a G17.
My current G21 is my 5th Glock and it's my all-time favorite.
All were purchased used. All have functioned problem free.

I wish I had kept that G17...


I've had two Glocks. Both are superb, accurate, reliable, easy to maintain, durable, and very functional. I'd have to rate them as one of the best handguns ever made.

The .40 caliber is an excellent caliber, but so is the 9mm and .45, for self defense or duty. 9mm has the advantage of being less expensive which means more range time. Shot placement is more important than caliber when comparing these similar man stoppers, so I'd say that based on your budget you'll want to make sure you can spend alot of money on shooting. If you're on a budget go with 9mm (about 20% less expensive per shot). 9mm has been around for a long long time and is the most common pistol cartridge in the world by far, and has served in many many wars.

If you're not on a budget, the .40 and .45 are about the same price for ammo. Both are slightly better man stoppers than the 9mm because they typically create larger wound channels and more shock to the body. There are a zillion posts on this topic, so lets not turn this into a debate; just pointing it out to the poster.

Generally, the smaller the bullet the more shots. For instance, in the same size gun, you might get 15 9mm, 13 .40, or 10 .45 shots.


New member
I have several, and carry the my model 19 more often then not. My model 30 is the close second for alternate carry.


New member
Traded for a used Model 30 and am very happy with the gun. It is accurate and has been so far 100% reliable (knock on wood).


New member
I have 2 glocks, a 19 and a 23, have run about 2000 rnds through the 19 and about 500 through the 23, never had a problem.


New member
its a good choice

I purchased a Glock 22 and have been very pleased with it. In the 400+ rounds I have put through mine I have had 1 failure, and that was a misfire and not a fault of the gun. They are reliable and accurate, and the only time I have heard of one failing was from some guy at my local range who was bragging about how he liked to beat up and wear out his guns (stupid, IMO). If you are good to your Glock it will be good to you. Definitely pick it up.


New member
I own a glock 23 .40 caliber, I love it, never had any problems with it. I would also suggest getting a Handall grip, makes the grip have a better feel. I took mine off but now I want to put it back on but I need to order another first.:D

Garand Guy

New member
Alrighty then. With the exception of one wise-cracker, we all agree that Glocks are without a doubt, extremely reliable.

Now comes the economy question: If you are trying to save a little money, would you buy a used Glock (If they are that good, who needs a new one?) or would you spend a little more and get a new one?


New member
I would at least field strip it but if I saw a used Glock and the price was right, I might consider buying it. Personally I feel the new Glocks are priced low enough though that the price on the used one would have to be very low. The finish/metal treatment (Tennifer) is very durable as is the rest of the pistol so it wouldn't be wear that concerned me as much as just not knowing the past history of the pistol.

I have to say that for all the flak I hear about the Glock and all the flak I once gave them myself, I simply love my Glock 20. Glocks are either loved or hated and some people just love to hate them. I say they aren't that expensive. Handle one, if it fits you, get it, shoot the crap out of it, and decide for yourself if you like it or not. They may not be for everyone, but I get along with mine pretty well so far.

Old Reb

New member
I have no hesitation buying a used Glock.

I have owned 16 Glocks ... some used and some even put together from parts. No problems ... they all shoot the same.

Just do the typical inspection and if in good condition, no worries. Just be mindful on the slide rail "peening" that you see on some model Glocks, especially the .40s. This looks bad but is predominantly of no consequence ... it's just a part of Glockdom. The peening stops, but the Glock keeps on going.


New member

I have fallen head over heels for Glock after recently getting one. You either like Glocks or you dont. There really never is a middle ground with folks who have shot them or owned them. Every one is different when it comes to what they prefer, including yourself.