Opinions on a DPMS LR-308 AP4


New member
I am looking to buy an LR-308 AP4 w/ 4-rail free float and 2-stage trigger. What do yall think of this weapon? Anyone own one and love it? Anyone own one an hate it? If you love or hate it what are your reasons? I wanna make an informed decision here. I almost bought a LAR-8 from RRA but after reading about a lot of people having feeding and extracting problems I am looking elsewhere.

wayne in boca

New member
I own one and love it.Mine has the free float aluminum foreend,and came with a horrible stock trigger.I had a JP Tactical trigger and speed hammer installed,and put a Badger Tactical charging handle on,and a CAA stock saddle,and she is perfect.The rifle is boringly accurate and has never had even one malfunction.Get one,you'll love it too.


New member
Same here. I replaced the trigger with a Timney.

There was a run of bad magazines that caused some FTF issues. DPMS replaced those and have had no issues since.

I took of the carry handle and put on an Eotech sight. I cannot remember if it is the 552 or not. The one I got is setup for .308 ballistics.

I can bang the 300 yard gong with it just about every shot.

I tried using a scope on it and was not satisfied with the results.

I have the irons and switch out the Eotech with the carry handle and still ring the 300 gong.

I am happy with the rifle although I am partial to a Remington 700P and shoot that rifle a lot more.

I like the semi autos but love the bolt guns.
