Opinions on 7mm-08 rifle selection sought


New member
I am trying to make a decision between the Rem. 700 CDL vs. the Win. Featherweight Mod. 70 in 7mm-08. There's little difference in price but the Remy has a 24 inch barrel vs. a 22 incher on the Win. My dealer is steering me toward the Remy saying the 7mm-08 needs the 24 inch barrel to effectively stabilize the 7mm bullet. What's the better choice?


New member
You will hear all sorts of advice from the gun dealers...as far as needing a 24 inch barrel to stabalize a 7mm bullet, well that is just plain ignorant. IMHO the Remington model 7 in 7mm-08 is a great deer rifle...some of the older models have 18-1/2 inch barrels. I know this does not prove anything, but the gun is accurate out to 200 yards...hope this helps.


New member
I have the Featherweight in 6.5x55 and LOVE it. It has effectively turned me away from all other hunting rifles.



New member
My dealer is steering me toward the Remy saying the 7mm-08 needs the 24 inch barrel to effectively stabilize the 7mm bullet

You need a new dealer, as this one is feeding you a load of BS. Barrel length has nothing to do with stabalizing bullets. Instead, the twist rate of the rifling stabalizes the bullet. Besides, if he was telling the truth, T/C wouldn't be selling 15" 7mm-08 barrels for their Encores!

The 7mm-08 is an excellent 250-300 yard deer rifle. I am more of a Remington fan, but I would not want a 24" barrel on a short action rifle. It kind of defeats the purpose, at least in my opinion. The Featherweight would be an excellent choice, as typically has excellent wood. You can't go wrong with either, and you might want to consider a 20" Model 7.


New member
I'd choose either the:

Remington Model 7 in 7mm-08
Winchester Featherweight in 6.5x55


I favor the Remington rifle, but I've always wanted a Featherweight and think the Swedish round is a cool mate for it.
I also favor the 7mm, and would like a Model 7 to go with my other Remingtons.
If the 7mm-08 is available in the 700 Mountain Rifle, I think I'd favor that over the Featherweight OR the Model 7...

And, that's how I feel about it. :D


New member
I agree with the other forum members -- your dealer's advice about the need for a 24" barrel on a 7mm-08 is incorrect.

Truth is, there is just not much difference between a 22" barrel and a 24" barrel. You might gain a little more velocity from the 24" barrel, but as a practical matter, the difference from 2" of barrel is insignificant.

Both are good rifles. Don't worry about barrel length; instead, buy the rifle that looks and feels the best to you. And if that happens to be the Winnie, then buy it. After all, it isn't going to be the dealer who will be doing the shooting!

P.S. Stick with the 7mm-08 unless you reload.


New member
The cartridge choice is an excellent one.

The Remington platform has always been easier for me to manipulate.
I just like the Featherweight for its looks.

The Model Seven, with the older 'schnabel' forend, especially, is almost a cleaner looking featherweight than 'The Featherweight'...;)

I mentioned the Mountail Rifle because it's a lighter version of the 700 than the newer, full-size CDL. The CDL is a nice looking gun, to be sure. The Mountain Rifle is just 'that much' leaner. Lighter bbl, and I think, available with a detachable magazine.

True, the platforms of the Remington and Winchester are completely different, and either will do for the intended purposes of this cartridge, depending on the shooter's preference for manipulation of the platform.
Whew. That was hard to type!

Brian Williams

New member
I have a Win Compact Classic in 7mm-08 that will do 1.25 in all day with factory and under an inch with my handloads and it has a shorter barrel than either rifle you are looking at.