opinions of bullet makers


New member
anyone have any opinions after using bullets made by either Moyer or Meister?

I've been looking at there site and both seem to have a great variety of bullets available. And bot seem to know how to ship using flat rate through the post office. Shipping is a big deal for a few of us. UPS is not an option when they want $ 30 to ship 500 Hornaday bullets compared to $ 8.95 USPS.


New member
I've heard of Meister, but not the other. And as far as what I've heard of Meister, it's pretty much ended up in the neutral column. Some folks praise them, some folks cuss them.

Typical gun world, you know?

My praise these days goes unequivocally to Mike at Mastercastbullets (www.mastercastbullets.com). I just got in 1000 44 calibre 240 LSWC. Just in looking at them, they are cast superb. Good hardness, but they're not gonna shatter on steel, nor do I think they're gonna lead up my barrels.

I also got a few samples of some .45 bullets that I'm gonna load up and shoot, then post the results here and a few other places.

He has very good prices--especially for the quality of bullet he produces. I'm in the process of loading up some of those 44's tonight in several different 44 Special loads. Will be shooting Tuesday most of the day. Can't wait to see what kind of groups I'm going to get.

Oh, and he flat-rate ships with USPS--and gets your order out pronto as well.

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Travis Two

New member
My preferance for cast goes to www.pennbullets.com from Bob Palermo. Excellent product. The best I've ever used. Service can be slow as he's constantly backed up but I overcome that by keeping several order in at a time to insure a steady supply of bullets.


New member

I'll second it for Mastercast. I have used Mike's bullets for some time now,
have been extremely happy with his product, prices, service, and his personal attention to any question I wish to throw at him. He is very knowledgable not only regarding bullets, but guns and shooting as well. I have no reason to change suppliers!;)


New member
ordered from Moyer

I opted to go with Moyer on this first order. No reason for chosing one place over the other. They seemed nice enough on the phone. Unfortionatly they are backed up this week and will probably not ship until next week. But I'm not unhappy as the flat rate $ 8.95 for an order of 800 bullets is a great deal. I'll post a brief report on how well the quality of these appears to be.


New member

Not trying to be negative, just wanted to mention something regarding the shipping costs. The $8.95 shipping for 800 bullets is not a great deal.
I pay the same price, for up to 70 pounds (USPS) has been if I remember right, cose to 2,500 or more lead bullets (9mm, .38's, .40's).


New member
Alaskan always pay top dollar freight.

Shooting Nut as soon as they put my address in Alaska on a UPS shipment it adds $ 30. Those of us who live in Alaska and Hawaii get taken by UPS, FedEx, and DHL every time we ship with them. The USPS option is a great break this time. I probably should have put a note in my last post on the shipping to Alaska issue.

Let me give you an example: a few parts I ordered from McMaster Carr in Los Angles got shipped UPS two weeks ago by mistake. UPS ground rate $ 56.00. I refused the shipment and had them send a duplicate USPS priority for $ 8.95. Package weighed 1 pound 7 ounces.


I can ship you up to 70 pounds for a USPS flat rate fee of $8.95, plus a very nominal fee for insurance. That currently applies to any location with a U.S. zip code. If you are paying more, you are getting screwed.

I ship to AK frequently.

You paid how much for under 2 pounds? $30.00? Wow!

E-mail me at mike@mastercastbullets.com and I will attempt to save you some money on shipping costs.



New member
Good old USPS priority mail flat rate box. 70 lbs if I were buying 200gr SWC that would be over 2000 bullets. Ok assuming 500 per box that would be 2000.

no sorry not in the market for bullets right now,but I will keep you in mind.


New member
Mike at Mastercraft

as you can see from my original post I am checking out a couple of bullet suppliers. I did not your site and one other both were willing to ship USPS. I ordered from the other guy on the flip of a coin. Soon I'll be giving you a try. Not discrediting your shop in the least.

Far to may stores/shops will only ship via UPS etc. They refuse to use the USPS. One reason I know for a fact is the USPS only give the shipper a very minimal % discount. UPS is know to give 10% to 15% back to the shipper. Stores are more concerned with the profit from the shipper than the customer service.

Call any of the big three and ask what they will charge to ship a 10 pound box to Alaska. Most of the time they first tell you they only ship the highest rate to Alaska; meaning overnight. While in fact they do have groud services but only provide it to shippers with contracted accounts. If you don't have freight shock I'll be amazed. I probably order and ship an average of six to eight packages from different supplier for either myself or various organization I belong to. More often than not the freight is a major screwing by the big three. Most of these supplier just refuse to ship any other way.

I do commend you for shipping USPS. It is a great service to your customers. The bottom line is I am placing the names of all suppliers who will ship USPS in our club newsletter. The rest can do without my sales.


New member
I can understand the pain and suffering of paying for exorbitant shipping. I've always been a big, big fan of merchants and Ebay sellers that charge you what it costs to ship and don't try to make a profit from shipping or my favorite, "handling."

I can also sympathize with folks living in Alaska who find themselves at a disadvantage in many ways because of the great distance between where they live, and where most all of the product of trade in this country is centered.

However... Can't we see this from the viewpoint of the carrier just for a moment, just for a little levity? I live in the middle of the midwest and the closest city in Alaska is some 3,300 miles from me. And save for the little bit of midwest you pass through in a northwestern direction from here to there, there's a whole lot of NOTHING in between.

I cannot, for the life of me understand how and why the USPS will agree to ship a 70 pound box of bullets some 3000+ miles for $9. Truth be told, I can't imagine how on earth USPS keeps this deal running even for the rest of the country. Given the cost of fuel and the economy as it is and where it's headed, this rate is GOLD right now and hell yes, each and every one of us should whore it out until it's gone.

If you were to ship something from NY to LA, your package would have to cover almost 3,000 miles. That's a large distance, but there are millions and millions of customers and packages to be shipped at all points in between. Not at all so when shipping to Alaska. It's further and there's beautiful land and an entirely other country between the lower 48 and AK. At the end of the line is a veritable handful of custimers in Alaska waiting for their goods when compared to trade going most other places in the lower 48.

If the point here is that the USPS offers a silly-cheap rate but the merchants you wish to buy from elect not to offer it as a service, I'm fully on your side. That's a lousy way to conduct business.

But if your argument is, "Hey, we are Americans too, why can't our shipping rates be the same as everyone else?" then I think that is a completely ludicrous argument.

As for the flate rate $9 postal box, I think they are nuts to offer it, and hopefully they'll keep it. And we can keep using it to order cast bullets! It's an absolute steal. Even to ship it across town. It's incredible.


New member
ludicrous or not

Well ever one has an opinion over what is fair to them and fair to others. Whereas the post office is subsidized I'd like to get the same benefits as everyone else. I don't expect to pay less but I should not have to pay more without a justification.

While I agree with you distance from here to there I'd offer this. It far further from Florida to Seattle than it is from Seattle to Anchorage. Why does it cost more for the one with the shorter distances between two points. The mail travels as cargo on air planes. It not like we are talking about full plane charters by the USPS with empty space on trips to Alaska.

Then I'll throw in the FedEx Factor. One of the largest facilities owned by FedEx and UPS are in Anchorage. At any given time you can count six plus 747 going between Alaska, New York and Hong Kong. You can compute distances all day from one major city to another and you will find dozens of times when the distances from point A to point B are greater than distances from Point A to Anchorage.

If you wish to get cost conscious than the further you live down a country road the longer the drive and the more fuel for the delivery truck. Should you not pay a surcharge if you live at the end of the road and not the beginning.

Sevens the reality is I choose to buy from dealers where they are not cheating me with the "handling fee" type screwing. It all works out in the end. Don't worry I consider your pot shots friendly fire.


New member
tomh1426 said:
I recently got some bullets from Mike at http://www.mastercastbullets.com/ they are very high quality, I would highly recomend them.
I feel like Ive been saying that alot lately.

Believe me, I do know the feeling. (grin)

I've been shooting for a lot of years, and reloading for almost as many. I've shot guns in battle and combat operations, I've shot guns in street shoot-outs with bad guys when I was in LE, I've shot guns in all manners of competitive shooting, and most or best of all, I've shot guns for the sheer exhileration and joy of it.

That's the best kind of shooting of all.

During that time, I've tried more cast bullets than I probably care to remember. Most were from fly-by-night casters.

I heard a lot of competition shooters--especially the IPSC weenies (grin)--itch and moan whenever a GOOD caster would inevitably go up on his prices. For all that money IPSC boys spend on their (otherwise useless) race guns, it never ceased to amaze me how cheap they were when it came to reloading their own ammo.

What I learned was that when you found a caster who stood behind his bullets, listened to his customers, had a rapport with his customers (lot of casters are cranky old hermits who live like Charlie Daniels' Lucius Clay out in the wooley swamps because they've sniffed way too many lead fumes {even BIGGER grin}) . . . well, you not only stuck with their bullet caster, but you sang their praises.

You didn't want them going out of business!

Well, I'm doin' a lot of singin' for ol Mike up in Carbondale. And damned if I ever thought this Texas boy would ever sing the praises of a Yankee from a communist state like Illinois.

Maybe we could all pitch in and bring Mike and his setup down here to Dixie?



I was not just referring to shipping you cast bullets.

If there is something that I can buy and ship to you for the USPS flat rate, and you are willing to reimburse me for my exact costs, I will be most happy to do that for you. I obviously can't do that for everyone in AK, but I will do it for one. Those shipping rates you folks are paying are OUTRAGEOUS!

If I will do it for one, I suspect there are others here that will do the same.

Got the idea? Thought so!

If we can make this work, and we can with a little effort, those that are charging you folks in AK those exhorbitant shipping rates can go "whiz up a rope" to put it politely.


New member
I have shot meister bullets in .45 and thought they were just fine, better than the swaged ones from speer or hornady even though they work ok too.


New member
I've been using Miesterbullets for a couple of years now ,and will use no other! I shoot them in my Colt45, 44Mag. 357Mag,and 38Spl.


New member
Well, I'm doin' a lot of singin' for ol Mike up in Carbondale. And damned if I ever thought this Texas boy would ever sing the praises of a Yankee from a communist state like Illinois.

Just drag your map out and you will find Carbondale is south of the "Mason-Dixon line". Don't judge the entire state by one area.