Opinions and experiences with the .45 Colt?


New member
I'm currently entranced with a 6" Colt Anaconda in .45 Colt.

I've never shot the round and I'm wondering what you all think of it. Should I hold out until a .44 mag comes along?



New member
.45 Colt is my favorite cartridge, but you have to reload to enjoy it.

Paying almost a dollar a shot for wimpy "cowboy" ammo (and even that is hard to find) sucks bigtime. I can load them for about 5¢ each with my own cast bullets, or 10-15¢ each with commercial cast bullets and load it to just about any power level. 250 grain bullets at 1000 fps is a really nice load, and an Anaconda should handle that easily. (I can load them up to about 1400 fps in my Ruger; I don't know if an Anaconda is stronger or weaker than a Ruger, but the fun wears off of super-hot loads really quick)

OTOH, there's a much better selection of .44 ammo available, and I've read that the brass lasts longer in a .44 before it splits.


New member
I had one of those once. I thought the fit and finish were not as good as they should have been. Maybe it was the stainless steel is hard to work with or something. Maybe I was spoiled by older Colts. A problem I had with it was that the cases would often get under the extractor star when ejecting them. I have not had that problem with other calibers. Might occur in other guns of similiar structure, like other DA 45 Colt revolvers, I don't know. Just that extraction was a pain sometimes. Maybe holding the gun vertical on extraction would have helped? I don't recall it being particulary accurate, either. Might have had chamber throat issues, but other guns like Ruger Blackhawks and Colt SAA do also, in my experience. Folks seem to like the .44 version as I recall, maybe it is just with that round.


New member
A problem I had with it was that the cases would often get under the extractor star when ejecting them. I have not had that problem with other calibers.

That's a good point. .45 Colt has a *tiny* rim on it. Not a problem with a single-action, but I'll bet it could with with a DA.