Opinions And Advice Needed, Please

Single Six

New member
As we all know, the panic buying is in full swing, nationwide. High-capacity magazines, ARs, etc., are flying off the shelves, and the prices of such will be going up [if they're not already]. Me, I don't want an AR; what I want is a Ruger Gunsite Scout Rifle. As most of you know, that's a bolt action rifle utilizing a 10 round box magazine. Here's what I'm wondering:1] Do you guys think that pretty much ALL guns are leaping off the shelves now, including Ruger GSRs, or is it strictly the aforementioned ARs and such? 2] Should we expect a price increase in all guns now, or, again, just the high-demand stuff? I ask these questions because, depending on what the majority of you guys think, I may have to raid the ol' savings account and go find me a GSR this week! Thanks for any and all input.


New member
Not to sound sarcastic but visit a couple local gun stores and see what they have. The wife and I will go to a local large gun store from us on Friday nights just to watch and laugh for a bit before we go eat. A store that would have 10 to 20 people in it browsing a year ago now has 60 plus people in it actively looking, handling, and buying. Just about everything I have seen has increased some. Some stuffhas increased more then others.
.looks like I won't get much of either on this particular thread.
That's because nobody knows enough to comment on the future yet. Shortages will continue, and prices will go up. How long and how much? Hard to say.

Take the Ruger Scout. It may not be on the ZOMG DiFi BAN list, but that's not the problem. Ruger may decide that it's worth their while to produce guns people will buy like crazy, which would be their AR-15. They only have so much production capacity and only so many engineers. They have to prioritize.

That means fewer Scouts, which means less of a supply. That means scarcity, which could drive prices up.

(Been very impressed with the Scout, BTW.)


New member
Single six, I'm having trouble believing that IF any gun control legislation passes it will do so quickly.
I'm also seeing that the anti 2nd amendment folks didn't strike quite quickly enough. If they had done it in the week following the tragedy they might have pulled something off.
If the people leading the charge were people who were seen as moderates I'd be a lot more worried. Diane Feinstein should've gotten picked last to write and introduce this.
IMHO the president handed off to the VP so that when the most likely outcome for this happens, no real anti-2A legislation passing, he can blame it on someone else, and try to use executive priviledge. That's at a minimum going to take months.
At that point only will prices rise above what we're seeing now and stay up.
It's entirely possible that as a bolt action, even with a detachable magazine, the GSR will not be a target.
All that being said, I'm trying VERY hard to accumulate some money for a couple handgun purchases myself, just in case the nuts succeed.
Do you need it? If the answer is yes, don't take any chances, the congress and president have been very clear about not caring about the will of the people when they want something bad enough.

Single Six

New member
Thanks for the thoughts, guys. No, I don't actually NEED a GSR, I just really want one, is all. Still unsure of what to do, but the waiting game will have to continue until the funds are there...which is fine; it gives me more time to think, debate, and decide. We'll see.


New member
Last time I was in the LGS (Sportsman's Warehouse) it appears that just getting TO the counter is an issue.

Just after the 2008 election they were down to 1 pistol in the handguns area. Things were that crazy.

But since this is a somewhat more directed craziness, you might find your dream rifle is still available. But getting served will be a LOT more difficult.

Colorado's "instant check" had an 11 day backlog a few days ago.
I saw a 3 hr backlog 6 months ago. Now it's nuts. (Or is it ?)


New member
From what I've seen of the few gunshops I've been in since Christmas, it's the black rifles that are flying off the shelves. The places I've been to have plenty of rifles and shotguns left, of all varieties except ARs.

What I'm considering is going to my favorite guns shop and putting a GSR on layaway. My shop lets us put a gun on layaway for 10 months, so I get it at today's price and pay it off over the course of six or eight months. No interest, no problem. I've bought several rifles like this and the shop encourages me to do so.

Matter of fact, I have a 1911 on layaway right now, and I need to go give them a couple of bucks this week.