Opinion of DSA's SA58, barrels inter-changeable?


New member
Seems the SA58 will be my next choice in a 308 and wondered if there is any reason not to get one? With this rifle can you buy different barrels (16" or 21") and change them without a gunsmith? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


If you want one and can afford it, buy one. They're good guns--some say better than the original FAL rifles--certainly the best FAL you can easily purchase these days.

Just be careful, the STG-58 and the SA-58 are two very different rifles. The former is a parts-kit gun made from a combination of used and new parts. The latter is an all new rifle.


New member
Another thing to be aware of is that different barrel lengths require different gas tube, gas piston and piston spring (I would imagine) lengths. People have shortened their long barreled rifles, but there are a lot of considerations when doing this due to the gas system.

As far as the DS Arms STG58 vs SA58... I could be wrong, but I doubt that the SA58 is completely free of refurbished / refinfished military surplus parts. I recently bought a STG58 (the parts kit rifle) and I love it. Many of the "important parts" are new anyway, for the sake of legal compliance. The receiver is new, the Hammer/Trigger/Sear assembly is new, muzzle brake is new and a few other parts. The majority of the used parts didn't look used and the gun was refinished nicely. Here are some pics of mine...

As it shipped to my FFL in New York:


With new handguard and proper magazine:


- Pete45


I doubt that the SA58 is completely free of refurbished / refinfished military surplus parts.
You can doubt it all you want. :D Doubts notwithstanding, the SA58 is an all new rifle containing no used parts. ;)

Not intended as a knock on the STG-58, BTW, but there is about a $500 price difference and I wouldn't want someone to think they were getting a great deal on an SA-58 only to find that they just bought a refinished gun with a used barrel and other used parts.
i personally wouldnt mind the used parts a bit in the stg-58, however the prospect of a used barrel doesnt appeal to me personally. i'd go with the sa58 for the new barrel which will probably give you a more accurate firearm. however, if a slight accuracy improvement isnt that important to you (it is for me) then the stg-58 is just fine.