open season ferocious mice in garage


New member
Spent the morning at the range, and the afternoon in the garage. Mice

chewed a hole in the rubber gasket on the bottom of my garage door.

Wife set some traps, in the first hour, caught 10. Spent the rest of the day

shooting the beggars with my pellet gun, and resetting the traps. Total count

is at 23, 15 for the traps, and 8 for the pellet gun. 2 wounded didn't count

them yet, hard to follow the blood trail, and worried they might charge, think

I'll go get the big guns just to be safe. A guy will do some real strange things

when there isn't anything in season. flyboy


New member
Spent many nights in my uncles garage with a cheap blowgun. Loads of fun, got fair to good on hits at about 10 feet, laughs all night long.:eek: Its harder for them to get away with a dart through them!!!:D:D


New member
good tip, think I'll try my muzzy's out, or maybe better off with my

expandable turkey heads, good practice for gobbler. Anyone got a

good mouse load for a 338 win mag? flyboy

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Get a box of mothballs at the grocery store. Scatter a dozen or so around the floor, under any workbench or behind boxes. Repeat as they evaporate. The smell of camphor is repellent to mice and squirrels.

The rubber gasket at the bottom of your garage door is probably a vegetable-based plastic. Mouse yummy. Petroleum-based plastic works far better.


New member
A guy will do some real strange things

when there isn't anything in season.

Yeah, no kidding!

A few years back, my brother and I were out in his garage, and noticed that the mice were acting sort of strange. They'd come out, wander around our feet, and weren't scared of us at all.

So my brother mentioned that to his wife, and she filled him in a bit.

It seems she'd read somewhere that if you put a small dish full of vodka on the floor in the garage, the mice would drink it, and wouldn't cause as much damage. Since she didn't want to kill them, she decided to try it.

Now, I don't know if it helped with the damage or not, but they're sure easier to hit with a pellet gun when they're drunk!



New member
I don't have a mouse load for a .338 mag, but I do have one for a 30-06.
You can load the case with a single 00 buckshot.
You can use just the primer for power, or, for a magnum load, put in one grain of powder.
Make sure to re-adjust scope.
You will have the baddest bb gun on the block.

I had some flying squirrels chewing on my dormers at night. I think they were making a nest up there.
I made a little pocket, by screwing a 1x2 to the dormer, where it is out of the rain.
I put 4 of these up there, on 2 dormers. Then I loaded them up with mouse bait, those blue granules you buy at the grocery store.
They have had 2 nights to eat the mouse bait, I have not heard them chewing since.
I don't like to kill animals unnecessarily, but, you start eating my log house, you are gonna die.

I noticed, a few months ago, a mouse had built a giant nest under the lid of my 500 gallon propane tank.
Pretty good home for a mouse, up off the ground, and out of the rain.
Looked at it yesterday, there was the remains of one mouse visible, nobody else home.
I think Mr. Snake crawled up there and ate the mice.
That would be a rough day, to be a two inch mouse, and have your house invaded by a 2 foot snake.


New member
It seems she'd read somewhere that if you put a small dish full of vodka on the floor in the garage, the mice would drink it, and wouldn't cause as much damage. Since she didn't want to kill them, she decided to try it.

She's NOTHING like my better half. Dearest would have murderous intent in her eyes. She would send me in as her henchman, but she might as well be the ax holder. Also, we've had the same bottle of vodka for almost two years now with several inches of firewater left, but she'd never volunteer her bloody mary go juice for snake bait.


My cousins and i set up traps in my grandparents barn on christmas and sit out there and watch em get whacked! Farms kids are cruel!


New member
We had a giant rat problem in our hunting cabin (quality not quantity). We baited half a dozen of the jumbo traps and went to sleep that evening. Every now and then we'd hear the WHACK of the trap being sprung. We all be WIDE awake after each WHACK and inspect it for remains. Sometimes we'd find a whole rat and others we'd find pieces or nothing. We all awoke in the dead of night to a blood curdling scream to find the youngest camp member with a bruised forehead and tremors. A rat had crawled into his bunk and in his sleep he thought it was his new pointer puppy. He pet the varmint until it decided to take a nibble off the tip of his finger. He screamed, threw the rat and banged his head on the bunk supports above him. We all laughed for half an hour and tried to go back to sleep. A couple hours later another jumbo SNAPPED and we had all had enough of getting up to inspect. Every 20 seconds or so we'd hear the rat's tail THUMP, THUMP, THUMP on the floor until it expired at "get up time". I don't think many of us get more than a wink of sleep that night.


Staff In Memoriam

One of the coldest "Daytona Nights" that winter couldn't keep me in. Had p-nut butter smeared on the back fence in strategic locations....


New member
Hopefully everyone remembers that regardless of your target, no creature should be left wounded or be the victim of badly placed shots. If you're going to wage a small rodent jihad, at least keep it a clean fight. :)


Staff In Memoriam
I agree sluggoth...
For the occasional wounded runner I have 3 bulldogs that are all great at tracking them down. While not "soft mouthed" like a lab, I weren't eating them any way and the dogs saved me the hassle of carrying them to the dogs...



Staff In Memoriam
That is the Gamo Shadow 1,000... Tater (looks like a baked tater) is a "blue pit" that wasn't blue so she had little value to the breeder... Heck on a hog though!


New member
Good tips all around, gonna try the buckshot trick in my old 06, and the vodka

thing sounds like it would up my numbers. Night two of the hunt continues,

traps 9, pellet gun 6. Besides the entertainment, I think I have a good case

with the wife for a new pellet gun. flyboy


New member
as i don't shoot many mice at home i do shoot a lot of the flying ones at work(sparrows) i work at a grain elevator and they land in a huge group right outside the front door. It makes for easy pickings and if i get bored of that i just go into the pit and under the scales with a flashlight and shoot countless numbers of mice its sadistically fun:D:cool: