Open letter to the Illinois State Police: your advice will get women killed

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Open letter to the Illinois State Police: your advice will get women killed

The Illinois State Police have, for years, advised women who visit their website to defend themselves from sexual assault by vomiting on themselves or pretending to be pregnant or, as a last resort, fighting off their attackers with keyrings and combs--but not to use effective weapons such as firearms (or even pepper spray.)
With such bizarre advice getting national exposure again, will the ISP's new Director continue to stand by it?

You may have read David Codrea's National Gun Rights Examiner columns on this issue lately as he tied it to the Annie Le case. I figured that, since the ISP has a new Director, he may not be up to speed on the problem, so I sent him an open letter from the Chicago Gun Rights Examiner to give him the chance to respond. I have never gotten a single word in response to any of my inquiries about the infamous "If you are confronted" page over the years, but he deserves a chance.

And yes, I did mail the letter today . . . . and yes, I did send him a couple of ISP-approved self-defense weapons.

Finally, Director, I've enclosed an official "ISP-Approved Self-Defense Weapon" from IllinoisCarry with this letter. Don't be alarmed, it's perfectly safe. It's essentially a tactical, oversized tongue-depressor in a high-visibility color for intimidation value, with the web address of the ISP's "If you are confronted" page printed on the side for easy reference. It's perfect for inducing vomiting in self-defense, and since it's also a "rigid" object, it makes a great backup for a woman's primary defensive rat-tail comb or nail file. Many Illinois shooters have noticed that Illinois State Troopers, even the female ones, still carry firearms with which to defend themselves as they enforce the law, and most even keep their guns at home. Although I disagree that women should not use firearms for self-defense, especially in light of FBI statistics that show that women who use firearms to fight back against violent attackers are 2.5 times as likely to escape without injury as women who don't fight back, we at IllinoisCarry stand ready to supply as many of these alternative self-defense Tactical Tongue Depressors as the ISP needs to equip every trooper on the road. We'll do it for free and even pay a small fee as long as we can emboss our logo on the weapons. The only compensation we ask is to be allowed to videotape the meeting when you inform the ISP union representatives that the troopers will be going out armed with popsicle sticks and nail files per Illinois State Police policy.


New member
Haha wow that does as much use as the fainting goats
defence method.. just keel over and pass out..

But they still get eaten just as much as any other goat..
if not makeing it an easier pray.. Sometimes the world we
live in........ :rolleyes:


New member
Hey Don, I've seen you before somewhere! :cool:

And just to reiterate for everyone not from Hellinois, the pointy comb, nail file, and making yourself puke aren't facetious exaggerations.

Those are Illinois' actual recommendations for soon-to-be rape/murder victims.


New member
I'm sure the governor of Illinois and the major of chicago have armed policemen watching over them. Kind of a double standard don't you think?

They should just carry Tactical Tongue Depressors(TTD's) instead. If it's good enough for the people it should be good enough for them.
Is this self defence method only recommended for women?
Are these self defence methods suitable for non-sexual attacks like robbery?
Do convenience store (7-11) operators use 'ISP-approved self-defense weapons'?
How can I get one of these 'ISP-approved self-defense weapons'?
Does one have to be licensed to own or carry them?
I live in Australia and self defence is not a legitimate reason for owning a firearm. Do you think that the courts would approve of the use of the 'ISP-approved self-defense weapons' in other countries?


New member
Once again, political correctness at the expense of safety and security.:barf:

I work in a school and our employee handbook is the same way. It was re-done this year and you might think that it would contain the latest information but it doesn't. Under the "emergency procedures" section, for 'armed intruder' it says to be compliant, non-confrontational, don't do anything to anger the intruder, etc. Sure, that used to be the advice but we've learned from Columbine to Virginia Tech. that it isn't a winning strategy for minimizing casualties.

Nevermind that many experts are now advising to fight back with everything you've got. Throw everything that isn't nailed down! When he reflexively ducks, rush in en masse, overpower and disarm. Sure, some good guys might be killed but its better to die fighting than die begging some lunatic for your life.


New member
Cool, TTDs are non-metallic so I can carry them past metal detectors !
Then I can use them to vomit tactical bacon on an attacker. :rolleyes:
Great letter !


New member

An experienced street fighter will make hay out of a woman with this info being taught.:barf:


New member
Considering that this advice comes from the State of Illinois, I wonder if the former senator will suggest the tounge depressors to his Secret Service?

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Update: the ISP responds

Better response than I expected, actually. We'll see whether it actually amounts to anything:


Now, I don't know how he can take offense that I would say the ISP is urging women "not to fight." The page in question clearly says that you should avoid a fight at all costs, including vomiting on yourself, pretending to be pregnant, claiming to have an STD . . . and that if you have to fight, you should throw straight punches and use your comb and nail files to fight off your attacker. It isn't even as if they suggested any weapon that wasn't an improvised use of a stereotypical beauty product. No knives, no pepper spray . . . . nothing that could be seen as being designed as a weapon. Since a knife is just as legal as a nail file, even for carry in public, and pepper spray is just as legal as a rat-tail comb for an adult woman to carry in Illinois, I just don't see how they can justify this.

However, I have managed to unearth an audio clip of a demonstration of the "STD Bluffing" technique by an expert (a teenage girl from Chicago.)


Active member
The Illinois State Police needs stick to things it's good at, like handing out speeding tickets, and not get involved in the business of trying to protect people from criminals. People get killed when speed-trappers preach on topics they know nothing about.

Telling a perp your pregnant just before he rapes you??? A sick rapist will just figure he's getting 2 for the price of 1. Hasn't anyone informed these uniformed speed-trappers that rape is not a crime of sexual frustration? Vomiting on yourself? When was the last time you were able to barf on command? Like there's not other was to complete the act of rape after a woman vomits.

I think they need to tatoo "punk" onto the back of one of these speed-trappers, strip him naked, put some lipstick on him and throw him in a maximum security prison for a year...with a toung depressor and a keyring.


New member
However, I have managed to unearth an audio clip of a demonstration of the "STD Bluffing" technique by an expert (a teenage girl from Chicago.)

Heh, Ferris Bueller.

I think that sound bite is completely inappropriate for the current discussion, though. She threatens to use a gun.


New member
I think they need to tatoo "punk" onto the back of one of these speed-trappers, strip him naked, put some lipstick on him and throw him in a maximum security prison for a year...with a toung depressor and a keyring.

I've gotta call TruTV... Great idea for a reality show!!!:eek:


Conn. Trooper

New member
The Illinois State Police needs stick to things it's good at, like handing out speeding tickets, and not get involved in the business of trying to protect people from criminals. People get killed when speed-trappers preach on topics they know nothing about.

Telling a perp your pregnant just before he rapes you??? A sick rapist will just figure he's getting 2 for the price of 1. Hasn't anyone informed these uniformed speed-trappers that rape is not a crime of sexual frustration? Vomiting on yourself? When was the last time you were able to barf on command? Like there's not other was to complete the act of rape after a woman vomits.

I think they need to tatoo "punk" onto the back of one of these speed-trappers, strip him naked, put some lipstick on him and throw him in a maximum security prison for a year...with a toung depressor and a keyring.

Now why do the police have a us vs. them attitude.


New member
Now if it was me I would puke on the attacker, heck I might even go as far as practising this at the range. Will need to eat stuff like split pea soup tho and a lot of it with plenty on hand to "reload".

Where can I get one of them tongue thingys?


New member
Show us how

These police are armed aren't they?

If they truly believe this stupidity then they should be able to do their jobs also without being armed.

Maybe they could set an example by disarming themselves.

Those holsters could hold a rat tail comb, several tongue depressors, and a huge bottle of Ipecac.

Conn. Trooper

New member
Does anyone honestly think this was written by a cop? Somewhere, a self defense expert produced this nonsense and it has made it's way onto their website. There will be a snowplow in Hell before any state agency, anywhere, posts that women should go buy a gun and use that for self defense. Liability, simple as that.