Open Letter to Liberals Favoring Gun Confiscation


Member In Memoriam
Interesting read ....

"I know a lot of liberals. Hell, some of my best friends are liberals. And to those liberals, who so often favor gun control and gun confiscation, I have just one simple question....

Have you lost your bloody minds?

Let me tell 'ya a little story 'bout a man named Adolf. In the 20's the National Socialists were heavily armed (heavily for that day, anyway). The Bolsheviks were also somewhat armed, not to the degree of the Nazis. They were both probably better armed than the regular army, which was through the Treaty of Versailles, rendered next to useless.

German gun control didn't begin under the Nazis. It began in large measure because of the Nazis. They did not demand it, though. It was being aimed AT them. Yes. You heard me right. Check your history. The politcal establishment of the Weimar Republic wanted gun control to control undesirables in the population. To disarm them. They all thought it was a peachy idea.

It didn't work. German gun control was aimed at the Nazis and the Bolsheviks, the radical parties of the day. Because the National Socialists weren't about to obey laws that were not in their interest, gun control only wound up disarming what little armory was already in public hands.

What happened? One of the groups who refused to disarm ultimately took over the country. And there was absolutely nothing their opponents could do about it. Because they were without an army and without many firearms.

Now, the Weimar Republic is not a direct comparison to today's United States. But fast forward to today. There are a lot of people, most of them liberals of some type, who say one of the major reasons they want to disarm Americans is because of guns in the hands of "them crazy rednecks", like me. (Even though I'm Black, Indian and Jewish) Well, let's assume for a minute you get your wish. Let's say that HCI and the Brady bunch get everything they want in their political agenda passed into law. Who is and is not willing to obey those laws is of prime strategic importance to the liberal agenda.

Under a gun confiscation, who will likely surrender arms and who will utterly refuse to, cuts sharply across political lines. The liberals will probably cooperate, for the "good of the children", or "the environment", or whatever pablum of the day they're being fed. Maybe a few radical anarchists won't. But most of your mainstream Democrats will comply. After all, they TRUST the government to take care of them.

However, the groups who will not are the conservatives and the libertarians. The conservatives, who prominently feature the Religious Right caucus. The Patrick Buchanan anti-immigration caucus. The anti-gay caucus. And the libertarians who plain and simply represent the "leave me the hell alone" caucus. The libertarians who would if they had their way gut as many liberal government programs as they possibly could.

Of course, the criminals will not comply. Not ever. They never do. They will, of course, profit from the illicit traffic from those who feel the need to have a weapon without the permission of a government bureaucrat or local police official. But I'm not really talking about the criminals here.

So what would happen under strict gun control is that the political groups most likely to be armed to the teeth are the conservatives and the libertarians, and the Religious Right and Buchananites with them. To a distinctly disporportionate degree.

Now, if you are a liberal, ask yourself this question.... do you really feel comfortable about that. Do you really WANT the conservatives to have significantly more guns than you? Because that group of armed individuals will be able to throw out any election they wish: you all complain Bush stole the 2000 election. Well, son, under strict gun control, you ain't seen NOTHIN' yet!!!

And they would likely, in the case of an armed insurrection of any serious import, be the people who take over the government. Either that, or a very organized somewhat fascist element within the government will defeat them, and take power themselves. Where would the liberals fit in the picture? Disarmed, with no power, no agenda and no voice, with their pet programs likely in shambles, with both camps of a civil war who hate them.

The SINGLE STUPIDEST thing that liberals could do for their causes is pass gun control. They would be writing their own death warrant, just as the Weimar Republic did.

I reiterate the question. Does anyone here want their activist movement fully disarmed, and completely trusting the other side in power without the check and balance of the potential for armed revolt?

Let me guess: some of you reading this right now, are thinking with your gut. And your gut is telling you: "the more I read of your essays, Liz, the more I see the need for strict gun control. So people like YOU won't have guns."

People like ME won't have guns.

That's a real belly laugh.

People like me, understand, as Mao understood, that power flows from the barrel of a gun. So people like me will NEVER not have guns.

Your gut feeling is the same gut feeling the Weimar Republic had about the Nazis. I'm not going to challenge your feeling..If you understand my politics, REALLY, it's in fact, nearly laughable, as someone like Hitler or Stalin is practically the diametric opposite of myself.. But let's go with your feeling for a sec. Say I am the danger. Me and my "conservative libertarian anarchist radical antigovernment whatever" thugs are going to march down and destroy America. So what then...."WE GOTTA TAKE EVERYBODY'S GUNS!", you say. And let's pretend for a bit that you manage to get legislation to that effect. Who will obey it and who won't?

I'll tell ya, who, my liberal friends. You will obey it. The liberals will dutifully obey.

I won't obey it. The libertarians won't. The radicals won't. The conservatives won't. The religious right won't. The gayhaters won't. You may think they will but you don't know them like I do.

I won't obey it because in the end, in addition to saving my own ass, and the asses of people who think like me, I may have to save YOUR asses as well.

Who will have more power, liberal friend, at that point? Who will have more power? The liberals or the conservatives? The left or the right? Because at that point, my side, and whoever happen to be my allies, whatever you think of my side, will have all the guns. Yes, the government will have them, too. But do you really think that the government agencies with the most arms give a rat's ass about the liberal agenda? Do you REALLY think the GOVERNMENT... do you really think that government agents at this point in time, care about benign things such as gay rights, women's rights, racial minorty rights and human dignity?

At that point in time, the only real battle left will be between the government and the conservatives and their allies. Unless, the conservatives take the government and consolidate absolute power, which Hitler did. So you either will have a government dominated by the conservatives, or dominated by FBI-CIA-DEA types.... or you will have a government in shambles due to a domestic rebellion....and remember that libertarians LIKE to see governments in shambles. And you will have encouraged the only Americans willing to oppose these people to disarm themselves.

At that point in the equation, liberal friend, unless your side is armed, your side won't count. Your side will not only be irrelevant, but to quote former California Governor Pete Wilson, it will be "****ing irrelevant". And if you disarm Americans, remembering that we won't disarm, you will have no power, and we might very well have all of it.

In the light of what I've just written, liberal friend, let me ask you again. Do you want to disarm the American people so that they will not be able to fight back against a tyrannical government? Or do you want to trust whomever comes to power to not be a tyrant. Germany did the latter and got the Third Reich. What will YOU get?

By the way, lest anyone have a cow, I do not believe conservatives and libertarians can possibly be equated with the Nazis. But I'm comparing the Weimar Republic to America of today, in one aspect, and one aspect only, and that is exposing the fallacy that the political enemies of the ruling government can be successfully disarmed by disarming the society at large, which is what we're really talking about. I am responding specifically to people who say that the NRA, the GOA, myself, and many of our allies are so dangerous that we need to be disarmed, and that that could be accomplished by disarming the populace as a whole.

Targeting the most military styled political enemy you have in a nation with general gun control against everyone actually strengthens the political enemy.

rest of the article


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New member
Interesting perspective on Libertarians.

I believe I am a member of the "Just Leave Us The Heck Alone Caucus"


New member
I've mentioned that same sort of scenario to some liberals myself, but they all seem to trust the government to protect and serve them. Not being so articulate, printing this out and letting them have a gander at it, may have better results.


New member
A common response from the liberals is "What are you militia types going to do with your pea shooters against the most powerful army on the earth"?

They forget that many military people are against the liberals who constantly try to find ways to downplay and defund military operations. Many cops are pro second ammendment as well. Not the politicos at the upper brass levels, but the cops on the street, the beat, and in the cruisers. I think we would have plenty of help besides a common practice of looking the other way by both our cops and military buddies.


New member
Thank you,labgrade.

Oh! never mind, I was going to comment but I have the urge to go out and test some of my reloads for my M14.;)


New member
My letter to them is rather simple:

"Dear gun grabbing, bed wetting, liberal pantywaist:

If you want my guns, come get them yourself. Don't send some poor local cop around to get them, don't send in a BATF assault team or SWAT unit. Come get them yourself. Stand up for your beliefs and don't be a hypocritical gun-owner-by-proxy by sending out armed mercenaries to do your unConstitutional dirty work.

If you have the courage of your convictions, then put them to the test. Otherwise you are just the parasitic, cowardly liberal scum I have always believed you to be."


Member In Memoriam
You're welcome, B9mmHP. Nothing all that "enlightening," (again ;) ) only another "pssst - pass it on." Thought it had enough "flavor" to do just that. May bend a few "that way" is all (& enough).

Hope your 14 shoots straight & true ... as do you.

GSB, that is one thing they will never do = come for them themselves. They believe in The State to do what Is Right & All Powerful.

Of course, you have nailed them exactly as they are. They will never do the "dirty deed" themselves. You see, they have their proxies ..... paid for with your tax dollars ..... You get to fund your own disarmament - in the interest of public safety & that "for the children."

Yell at them all you want = you will only prove your own "instability."

Get used to it - unless you take a proactive stance in countermanding the whole damned thing by getting involved & working within the (already corrupt) political system.

Fainthearted need not apply ....


New member
A common response from the liberals is "What are you militia types going to do with your pea shooters against the most powerful army on the earth"?

That's when you explain to them what The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was.


New member
Why bother...?

Really great rant, and well worth reading and passing around to like minded folk.

Unfortunately, Liberals lack a very important ingredient from their brain's chemical cocktail… It's called "Reason". You see, in a normal functioning brain, logic and common sense combine to form Reason. In a "mentally disenfranchised" person with a dysfunctional mind such as a liberal, all brain activity results in some sort of "emotional" reaction. Therefore, trying to "reason" with this type of person is an absolute waste of time.

I treat Liberals with the same respect and understanding I afford all handicapped people, as I'm sure that their mental retardation is not really their fault. I just smile and try not to make them feel "different" when they say stupid and embarrassing things.

After all, most Liberals are insignificant insecure little emotional retards who spend most of their time wetting their pants watching the evening news anyway. How sad for them, really.

And shame on me if I waste my breath trying to convince them of something they are obviously incapable of understanding, such as our Constitutional Rights.



Member In Memoriam
Airborne, I do share your frustration/s, but ....

Besides dealing with family members & others of the, shall we say, less enlightened ilk, as a Boy Scout merit badge counsellor (for some pretty nifty "out there & go git it"-type badges & for many a year), I spent over six weeks with one young man who was on the "a bit slow on the uptake side of things." We worked on the first aid merit badge so he could acheive his First Class rank prior to him becoming 18 years old. A definite goal for him & a certain cut-off date by BS by-laws.

I would never sign off on a single aspect of his training that he did not commit to memory & could not demonstrate - always told him that if the two of us were "out there" & I needed his help, he must be capable to render me that aid. Seemed to take & he did learn it (like a steel trap, once understood). It took time, many hours of repetition & quite a bit of frustration.

It did, finally, take hold.

As with The Great Lie, if told often enough (& I'd also add) with enough personal attention & caring, our side will prevail. We've got facts, reason & truth, God, The Flag & apple pie on our side.

As much as I get disheartened , frustrated & down right pissed off, I'd say we got ourselves a fightin' chance at it.

Just takes you, me & the rest of us to keep on plugin' ...

Justin Moore

New member
My answer to the communists taking over this country:



New member

I think I understand your perspective on things, as you seem to see the glass as half full. Being optimistic is half the battle for a happy life I suppose. One's attitude is a chosen position in everything, including a political debate.

I lost my optimism for a peaceful future during the Clinton years. I believe the smug little Liberal "Elites" really did us all a big favor by showing, for the most part, their true political intentions. They used to have to hide it, remember?

The UN, the Red Chinese, the Russian Communists... all adversaries of Liberty, are all growing stronger by the day. My optimism for the future lies in my own strength, and in the inner peace of knowing that what I believe is true and just...and that I’m hardly alone!

The Liberal political establishment in this country can go fly a kite as far as I'm concerned. They are powerless insignificant fools. They are waging a war without weapons, and bargaining from a position of absolute weakness. They are losers in every sense of the word, and I laugh at their absurdity. They’re pulling the tail of the wrong dog.



New member
Um.. is it just me, or is this thread starting to become a little reminiscent of good ol' DU, albeit from our perspective?

While I can't say as I disagree with the gist of the above comments, and certainly understand the need to just .. VENT .. every now and again, I must say I get a little nervous when we start being to reminiscent of the other side..



Member In Memoriam

Yup. They're pulling the tail of the wrong dog, but they're far from stupid. In this game, "smarts" is what plays into their hands & they are doing quite well - as in "what plays in Peoria." We live in a democracy, don'tcha know?

Tongue in cheek a bit & obviously not. Nonetheless, it is what is perceived to be & breaking that mold is one of the latest Big Lies, not to mention, one of our biggest fronts.

Reality is what is perceived. "They" think we do live in a democracy - try to convince 'em otherwise ..... another battle just there - let alone that we have inalienable rights, not to be voted away by a "majority."

My glass is half-full, but I lost my starry-eyes in '68 when I could no longer buy .22LR ammo, but could still buy 12 gauge shotgun shells &, oh BTW, .243 Win ammo & that, when I could still shoot a crow at 400 yds - every time. Which was "worse" in the political climate of the day re "assasinations of political figures?" Dare I say I was then more of "a threat," w/a long-range rifle than with a .22LR?

Funny, in a way, that many of the more recent folk are all up-in-arms about "hi-caps," "the semi-auto ban" & "NICS check-stuff" .... I got pi$$ed in '68 when we had to register every damned purchase of a box of .22LR ammo ...

Don't you worry about the "UN, ChiComs, or Ruskies," we're quite capable of doing ourselves in.

I do forget the quotes, but they're timeless & pertinent nonetheless ... we will sell the rope to hang ourselves & we will hoist the Red Flag. All that in the name of "for the children," "for safety's sake," ....


New member
Labgrade,I appreciate your comments and know where you’re coming from. Interestingly, I just re-read Ronald Reagan's speech on behalf of Barry Goldwater's Presidential bid in Oct '64 and it amazes me how little things have changed. The problems we face today with our Government are no different than 37 years ago. We still stand on the same principles, use the same arguments, and feel the same optimism now as then.

The real problem is in the fact the Government continues to expand (while liberty contracts) every year despite our continued reasoning against it.

This is why I feel an excellent essay such as you posted above about Liberals and gun confiscation will fall on deaf ears when it comes to convincing any Liberals. They will proceed with their "religious" beliefs regardless of how we argue against them.

However, the MAJORITY of Americans, when presented with logical arguments will respond appropriately. Getting the information into their hands is another matter....
