Open Fire?

Would you...

  • Make sure you kill all occupants involved.

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Shoot into back window.

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Fire warning shots into air.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Run and hide.

    Votes: 4 66.7%

  • Total voters
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New member
You're out walking down the street one night and somone pulls up yo you and opens fire on you with a paint ball gun. What would you do.

I just saw some footage on T.V. that just pissed me off. Then I asked my self what if that happend to me?

Steve Smith

New member
Agreed. If you knew it was a paintball gun, you'd have no reason to use deadly force.

Besides, why didn't you give some logical responses? I swear, sometimes I wonder if you're still in 9th grade, M4.


New member
I have 2 paintball guns and geting hit does not hurt that much. But i hate it when *** hole do thing like this. The people that hate real guns also hate the paintball guns. So bad that we had to rename them . Thay are not a paintball guns Thay are paintball markers :mad:


Moderator Emeritus
Pleasepleaseplease tell me you wouldn't seriously consider shooting someone over them tagging you with a paintball gun...


New member
Tagged w/ paintballs

Shooting back w/ leathal force? No, not once I realize that I've been hit with a paintballs. Rather grab the number for a police report if needed, then chase the bozos down, relieve them of their paintball guns and beat them to a bloody blubbering heap on the ground. Than 'Liberate" the guns as loaners for newbies in the sport.

I differ w/ AZTOY, getting hit with paintballs hurts like heck! 'Specially at close range. I got tagged a couple of years ago when a fellow player had a negligent discharge into my back from four feet away durning a break. Even though I was wearing thermal underwear, camo, a sweatshirt and Tyvek overalls (snow play) it hurt like a M_____R and raised an nasty welt. When our group plays, us follow the 30 ft rule, meaning no intended shootings w/in 30 ft.


New member
I Know this isn't the BEST thread I ever have posted. But, you should have seen these loosers and there crime spree vidio tape.:mad: I couldnt belive what I was seeing. Thay would shoot people off of there bike, or just anybody walking down the street. These people thought thay were actuly being shot with a real gun.

Pleasepleaseplease tell me you wouldn't seriously consider shooting someone over them tagging you with a paintball gun...

You should have seen the vidio tape. Thay wernt just tagging people in a game. Thay would drive up to people in a car and blow them off of there bike. Thay said that these people thought thay were being shot with a real gun. Because of the red paint and the pain of being shot.

I don't know, I just have a real problem watching stuff like this, and probibly over react. Next time I'll just tuirn the chanel.


New member
I witnessed this type of attack once. Then I followed the kids doing the shooting. Stopped them. Arrested them for criminal mischief and confiscated their paintball gun. One of the boy's mothers was really pissed. she asked me if possession of a paintball gun was a crime. She didn't want to believe me when I told her "no mam it's not a crime to possess a paintball gun. It's a crime to ride down the road shooting everything it sight with one." I then gave her the list of targets including people mailboxes road signs and dogs I saw the kids shoot at. Later that night (about 2:00 AM) she had the boys out cleaning up their mess and appologizing for their behaviour. Write one up for the good guys. I never once considered deadly force while apprehending the culprits.


Andrew Wyatt

New member
this is quite possibly the stupidest thread i've seen in a long time.

SR_15_M4 is advocating the use of lethal force in response to what is at most minor discomfort.

I think this boy needs a keeper.

Mal H

SR_15_M4 - You probibly did over react a little from watching as thay would shoot at people from that there bike, in fact it seems to have caused you to repeat yourself. But a little advice, don't turn the chanel. It might smell good for a little while, but it will linger for months and you'll soon get very tired of it. BTDT


New member
I think in the heat of the moment alot of people might fire back. First off its dark and you don't know what the hell just shot you. They hurt bad enough that you could think you were actually shot for a few seconds... I know for a fact most of the people hit with these think they are being shot, watch the various videos. It makes me angry too, especially since they repeatedly aimed for the face on purpose, blinding someone isn't a major crime? My ass it isn't. I really think I WOULD kill someone responsible for ruining a good part of my life by taking my eyesight in an act such as this...

There has already been a case of someone doing one of these driveby paintballings and someone shooting back immediately, hitting one of the boys in the head if I'm not mistaken. Perfectly justified if you ask me as long as they really did believe they were being shot at for real. I think I read this in a news article, but I don't have it so I suppose I could be mistaken and this was just an urban legend. Either way I could certainly see it happening...

Now, obviously you could never hunt down the car and shoot them all or something, although I bet alot of people would wish they could...

El Rojo

New member
Yeah SR_15 is "shure" crazy with some of his posts isn't he?

I don't know what I would do if I got paintballed at random. I would certainly be pissed. I think a cell phone would be a wiser option to fight back with. "Shure" I have my Glock on me, but it isn't worth it. If they come back a second time and try it again, I could fear that a paintball to my eye might cause great bodily harm and draw. I doubt I would go much father though. If warning shots weren't such a bad idea, I would be tempted to shoot at a safe backstop and give them a little bit of a scare in return. However, note I said that was a bad idea.

Just get in your car and follow them with a cell phone. However, I think I will vote for "Shoot them all" for "shure". :D

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
This is Ill-Advised - - -Talk of Lethal Force without legal reason.

Wha next? Discussion of shotgunning kids with sling shots or Wrist Rockets? How about water baloons? Would you advocate MURDER in response to a rude thump and getting wet?

I really hope that any person who gets so excited over seeing a video of aggravated paintballing does NOT go armed on the street.

M4, try watching some cable news about rioting in the streets in third world countries where people fling rocks and fire bombs and burn cars. Then become horribly incensed about the vandalism-by-paintball.

Could we just let this thread fade away?


Marko Kloos

New member
I fail to see the redeeming social value of this thread. It doesn't do a thing to promote responsible firearms ownership. Anyone who would advocate or even consider the use of deadly force in such a cavalier manner should think long and hard about owning firearms.

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