open carry


New member
hey tx shooters sign the open carry petition we have things going our way for now, you can never have to many pro gun laws


New member
We have open carry in MN, and NO ONE does it.

I would never, ever consider it. You're just inviting trouble, and not leaving anything for the element of surprise in case you need it.

Thanks, but no thanks on open carry...


New member
Understand we're going to get destroyed here B.S.R.T., but I personally don't think open carry is a great idea either. Sorry R.Z. but I can't sign that one.

I do agree with you in general that "you cannot have too many pro gun laws", but I think if we got hypothetical enough and kept a simple "pro" and "anti" categorization, I might find a "pro" law you might not agree with too!


New member
I humbly dissagree.... I think you should have the choice

to open carry or not. When I visited VA a while back I did both... the screwy part about that state's law is you have to open carry in a bar or place that serves drinks...

Even if my state (S.C.) had open carry I would conceal most of the time...but it would be good to have the choice at times.


New member
MS has a real goofy law, open carry is legal, but you have to have a CCW to legally open carry... like I said, goofy.

I like the option of open carry, but I personally wouldn't practice it. I like the element of surprise, and don't want every Tom dick and Harry knowing I'm armed. JMO ;)


New member
Open carry is generally a bad idea because, 1. An visible gun is a gun that could be grabbed. 2. Many people are uncomfortable with guns and you will constantly be shunned and questioned. You will have lots of encounters with LEO's.

There are places for open carry....walking in the woods for example....working as security. But in general, keep it concealed.


New member
dont really want to open carry either, but would be nice not worry about losing chl because the wind blew my shirt open or my gun printed through my shirt. how about a few laws for the gun owner, why give the folks any more reason to hassle a gun owner, just cause my cars will go 140mph does not mean I drive that away. Let the people be the judgement of that one


New member
If I simply had to use my carry piece, I'd rather use it with the element of surprise on my side. Exposing one's situation to the scrutiny of a possible opponent is a big tactical mistake. Open carry gives 'em a chance to think.


New member
I live in Minn also and never open carry, always concealed, no questions--
no problems, and that's the way it should be, thanks.


New member
This is a petition about a personal freedom, not a poll about how you prefer to carry.

I OC occasionaly because I don't have my ccw yet. Wifey now wants me to get my ccw with the election approaching :) I have never had any problems while OC, A funny look occasionaly, but no big deal. I understand the tactical importance of concealing your weapon, but the law should not force you to.

REELZARUBA, do you want signatures from out of state? I'm not going to lie and say I am a TX resident, but if the petition is just to show support I'll sign. If so where do I sign?


New member
I just began OC'ing a few weeks ago as it is legal in Washington State. It simply gives me an option on how I carry in the warmer months. When the cooler/colder months arrive I will begin to carry CC as before. First time I OC'ed I was terrified, made 5 stops in town and one being a Pizza Joint. Had no confrontations nor stares whatsoever. I OC using a K&D Holster Eagle Defender OWB which holds my SP101 high and tight a long side of my waist at the 3:30 position. I never OC with a "In your face attitude".

I think a long these lines. Back in the day, we are talking back in the mid 1800's when Cattleman carried openly coming into town for a beer or picking up supplies do you think they worried about becoming a target? I don't but that is my own opinion just something to think about. I carry with this analogy in mind. I just don't think a perp is going to be scouring the aisles of Walmart looking for someone who is OC'ing just my opinion.

The bottom line is this "I" feel quite comfortable OC'ing...

I strongly recommend checking out it is a great resource of information from people with the same mindsets...



First let me say I am a TX resident and CHL holder.

That said, I oppose the TX Open Carry initiative for one key reason:

If open carry is legalized, there will be a huge surge in locations where carrying a firearm (concealed or not) is illegal. Merchants who previously didn't know/notice/or care will now be pressed into taking sides on the issue and a lot more carry-prohibition signs are gonna go up.

I don't think armed citizens in fewer places is an improvement.


New member
When I visited VA a while back I did both... the screwy part about that state's law is you have to open carry in a bar or place that serves drinks...

You do have the option not to carry at all in Virginia establishments that sell liquor for on-premises consumption..... The General Assembly voted down a change in the law to permit concealed carry in bars this last year. I am not sure why.

Yankee Traveler

New member
"I humbly dissagree.... I think you should have the choice "


"MS has a real goofy law, open carry is legal, but you have to have a CCW to legally open carry... like I said, goofy."

Thats great! You have to have a permit to carry - open or concealed!!

"There are places for open carry....walking in the woods for example....working as security. But in general, keep it concealed."

Excellent! In general...but good to have the choice if needed.

"dont really want to open carry either, but would be nice not worry about losing chl because the wind blew my shirt open or my gun printed through my shirt. how about a few laws for the gun owner, why give the folks any more reason to hassle a gun owner, just cause my cars will go 140mph does not mean I drive that away. Let the people be the judgement of that one"


"This is a petition about a personal freedom, not a poll about how you prefer to carry."

"If open carry is legalized, there will be a huge surge in locations where carrying a firearm (concealed or not) is illegal. Merchants who previously didn't know/notice/or care will now be pressed into taking sides on the issue and a lot more carry-prohibition signs are gonna go up."

There is that...But it's all about the choice. I like the idea of open carry only if you are a concealed permit holder, Keeps at least some of the riff raff out.


New member
Here in FL there is a petition for open carry going around. I CCW and will continue to do so; however under current law if any portion of your gun should inadvertently show you could get in trouble. If open carry were adopted here I think that would eliminate that problem. ;)


New member
In Utah I have the choice to open carry or conceal carry. It's nice to have that freedom to choose. I do both depending on my mood and I have never been harassed by a LEO. I think it's a mindset thing for me I've carried everyday of my life from 1981 until today I don't plan on changing that now.



Here in FL there is a petition for open carry going around. I CCW and will continue to do so; however under current law if any portion of your gun should inadvertently show you could get in trouble. If open carry were adopted here I think that would eliminate that problem.

That's my concern too. You are not allowed to show the outline of a gun. So what if you bend over and oops the grip pokes out. if someone could ID it as a gun you are in trouble. There's no "oh but I didn't pull it out" or "oh well, it was always under my shirt". The idea is nobody should be able to tell what it is.

I hate that...can't always keep it from poking out or whatnot.


Honestly I don't know how many people would take advantage of open carry at all. There seems to be a lot of fear, but how many of you who live in an open carry state regularly see random people walking around with a gun on their side?

I'm betting very few.