Open carry holster for 3" K--mostly woman


New member
.357 Model 65. Nice, comfortable--perhaps leather, Galco, etc.?-for stongside high/hip carry (+ a secondary consideration for weak-side--butt forward) carry as well). Primary carrier is female 5'6" 170#. Unisex application would be more than fine as one option, as I (guy) am considering same set up/parameters though I'm considerably larger (6-0, 285). Quality first consideration, cost second but still present so if can have both--the more the merrier! Will only be checking in from time to time, so apologize in advance if I'm not as responsive as should be--but like most of these, maybe others can benefit from your good advice as well.

Primary uses: home/neighborhood--evening walks in ok area, but "you never know these days..." Camping/fishing/tromping in occasional big and medium cat and bear (black) country. 2 legged varmints. Occasional no-leggeds--slithery critters. CCW may be coming, but that's another story.
Thanks in advance.
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New member
El Paso Saddlery make some of the best holsters I've used. I personally carry a 3" K frame in an EPS Sky Six ( ). Mine is just plain finish but they offer some nice patterns as well.


The Great Mahoo

New member
Bama, how well does that conceal? I am looking for a new holster for my 3" Ruger Sp101. I like mine but it hangs a bit too low to conceal reliably without a medium length jacket. I am looking for one that will stay nearer the belt-line, which can be covered easy with a vest or untucked shirt. The 3" barrel makes that a bit difficult, but this looks like it might ride high enough.


New member
The problem with many concealment-type holsters for women is that they are made for a man's body and thusly ride too high and dig into the woman's ribs. Both Milt Sparks and Mitch Rosen have holsters specifically designed for women. Of course, a good field rig that doesn't ride too high would probably work as well. A nice Tom Threepersons holster might work well for OC.


New member
It conceals very well. I'm 6'00" and weight 210ish and conceal it under a tshirt or my vest. It concealed just as well when I was 285 last year. When I get my hands on a RIA or Citadel compact 1911 I'll be ordering another Sky Six for that.


New member
If it's not going to be a suprise gift or something, how about taking her to a gun store with a broad selection of holsters and let her try on a few and see what works best for her. Remember to take along the belt(s) she will most likely use.


New member
This is how I carry mine. Leather by Sam Andrews. Revolver is a Smith & Wesson Model 65, three inch heavy barrel, bobbed hammer and DAO.