Open Bolt M10 .45 Semi-Auto


New member
New to me. Found it languishing in a pawn shop and couldn't resist the hang dog look it kept giving me.
Figure the semi-auto open bolt macs are few and far between and have almost reached collector status. (At least that's what I told the wife.)

Uses slightly modified grease gun mags.





New member
Unfortunately the can is actually a barrel extension and it only goes bang once with each pull of the trigger.:(

Other than that, I'm happy with it.:p



New member
They should be quite collectible at this point. They've been banned from manufacture for some 20 years now.

Great find, and in great condition!


New member
The open bolt configuration is still some what desireable by alot of people. I'm not into those kinds of guns anymore, but that's a good one. I know, I used to play with them quite a bit before I became better with a handgun, and started getting into building short barreled AR15's. They have their place, but just not my flavor anymore.

Nice find!!!! I don't know what you got into it for, but I'm sure you bought it right since you picked it up in a pawn shop. Hold onto that sucker, it should hold it's value pretty good.



New member
I think I'm alright for what I got into it for. Right at $800 for the gun, barrel extension, 2 mags, case, replacement barrel and roll pin, and sales tax.
That's pricey for a gun that originally sold for $275 but, I've seen a few of the OB guns change hands for $1100-$1200 at the gun shows. Something about why they were banned from manufacture makes them real attractive to "self reliant" folks. AND its a .45!

One of the things I really like is the magazine interchangeability with my direct impingement AR45



New member
That's pricey for a gun that originally sold for $275
I paid $225 new for my select fire SWD M11/9mm. :)

If youre not used to "open bolt" guns, pay a little more attention safety wise in their handling, as they do have a somewhat different manual of arms, especially when charging them, and when making them safe. To someone accustomed to most semi auto type weapons, they also appear to be "safe" (bolt open and locked to the rear), when in fact, they are ready to go. They are also not drop safe either.