Oops, Forgot to empty powder measure. How long is powder good for in them?


New member
I forgot to empty my Ohaus powder measure last week with about 1/4 hopper full of IMR4350 in it:eek:. How long does powder stay good for in a powder measure? We have had nice weather with almost no humidity and its in a nice cool room with no direct sunlight on the reloading area and the top was tight on the hopper. I shook it up a little and it still had the nice smell of fresh powder:D so im assuming its ok but want to make sure. Its only being used in lighter target loads for my 30-06 and not any LR precision loads.
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New member
I empty my powder measure when I'm done with it if it's loaded with Bullseye because I don't want the powder to eat up the plastic hopper. (I would do the same thing with Power Pistol, except I don't have any Power Pistol.) Other powders I leave in there for weeks at a time.

The reason those powders are different is they contain something like 40% nitroglycerin, and others all contain much less.


New member
The only problem I ever had regarding leaving power in a measure if forgetting what it was. (forgot mark it). Then I throw it away. But not because the powder goes bad.


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I only have one powder container on the bench at a time -- and it matches what's in the measure. (right now it's Titegroup)


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I use to keep powder in my shotshell roader all the time it did turn the bottle black but never seemed to hurt the powder.I dont see the diffrence in putting it in a sealed bottle or leaving it in a sealed powder tube.JMHO


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I wouldn't worry about it at all. I had a pound of Bullseye given to me in the 60's when I was in NY, I later hauled it off to AZ where it sat in various garages, sometimes reaching 115 degrees or more. I shot it up last year just to use it up. It worked fine in spite of the terrible way I treated it.


powder in measure

if its powder with nitro take it out with in reason as it mixes with the plastic hopper.I wonder if a hard blow could explode it.but maybe it just makes the plastic like the powder.it does eat the plastic.yes I have done it.and if the nitro transferes you are losing the powder mix.


New member
I left some powder in a plastic hopper years ago for a few days and then
loaded some .357 Magnum shells for a guy at work.
He came back a couple of days later with a bullet lodged in the barrel
about 2 inches and said it made a weak sound and he didn't see the bullet
Thankfully he didn't fire another one in behind it.
I think it was Unique and it had ate slightly into the plastic storage hopper.
I learned my lesson and needless to say -he never asked me to load
any more shells.
I heard obama wanted to pass a bill making loading your own ammo illegal.
Safety must be his reason---Ha.


New member
Overall not a good idea I empty my hopper after each loading. Powder is sold in opaque black cans for a reason.


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I agree with what TEDDY and others have said.

Leaving Hodgdon LilGun in the hopper even overnight is not a good thing. Leaving it for several days may require a new one if you wish to see the contents.


New member
Gun powder is a mixture of polymers. So is car paint. Both will be damaged by exposure to sunlight, but it takes time. Overnight in a garage, a week in a garage, won't cause problems.

I got to talk to an insensitive munitions expert. Heat is bad for gunpowder. Apparently the nitroglycerine and nitrocellulose want to combine to form a lower energy compound. Nitric gas is released in the process. This is the “red” dust you see in old powder. (which is ready for the lawn when it is in this state) The powder has inhibitors, but that stuff is consumed out over time. Heat increases the rate at which NG and NC combine.

The expert made the statement the best storage state would be an arctic environment. Totally cold and totally dry. He said that direct water contact is long term bad, but did not explain why.


New member
Powder left in the powder measure

The powder is good indefinately!
The only problem you could have is, certain powders will cloud the plastic of a measure. It will not come clean.
If so, find out the domentions and buy some white PVC pipe, cut it to domentions and install it. You can not see through it but who cares...