only 68 times, need more ammo!

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New member
[B] This was just sent from a friend of mine. Don't know if it's been run here yet.[/B]

Florida 's got it right ...
Bravo for Sheriff Judd !!!


Some 'dirtbag' in Polk County Florida who got pulled over in a routine traffic stop ended up 'executing' the deputy who stopped him. The deputy was shot eight times, including once behind his right ear at close range. Another deputy was wounded and a police dog killed. A state wide manhunt ensued.

The low-life was found hiding in a wooded area with his gun. SWAT team officers open fired and hit the guy 68 times.
Now here's the kicker:

Naturally, the media went nuts and asked why they shot him 68 times. Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, told the Orlando Sentinel:'Because that's all the ammunition we had !!' (Talk about an all-time classic answer !!!)


New member
Actually, one of these numbers was wrong. This shooting happend only an hour or so away from me so it was all over the local news. I believe the number of shots fired was 68 or so, but he only had about half a dozen bullet holes in him. At the time, the shooters here were complaining that the sheriff should kick some serious butt about his officers not spending enough time on the range. Their hit percentage was dismal.


New member
I think we might be onto something here.

For your sentencing you will take 12-68 rounds.
Forget the serve or years. Roundsssss


New member
110 rounds were fired total (from 9 of the 10 SWAT team members), hitting Angilo Freeland with 68 rounds.

Yea, that was it. I couln't remember the number but I was amazed at the percentage wasn't good - and this was from a group of guys who were supposed to be experts.

When it happened, the local news made almost as big a deal out of the dog that got killed as they did the officer.


New member
I think it's easy to say, "what a dismal hit percentage!" from an armchair. I'd probably be happy with a 50% hit rate (and surviving) if rounds were coming at me.


New member
That was a couple of years ago wasn't it? My aunt who lives in central FLA told me about it when my uncle died. I think the K9 officer was an acquaintance of the family.
Their hit percentage was dismal.

I heard a Columbus SWAT guy talk about hit percentage in US gun battles.
LEO was 17% I think
Civilian was 16%
BG was 13%
Not sure, but the number were all right in there and they went in that order. The SWAT guys did not do that bad.

44 AMP

lots different than the range

High stress, rapid fire, moving target, shooting back (or the possibility of such), etc. a hit ratio above 50% is actually way better than average.

average for highly trained shooters that is. Ordinary police seldom do as well.


New member
Nothing really to cheer about here.

I would be cheering if the officer that got killed had been given the chance by fate to kill the bad guy before he could be injured and his partner wounded.

The officer still gave his life so we could be safe and his fellow officers found the bad guy and adequately responded to the deadly threat.

But we still lost a decent human being to a piece of human (blank).
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