Online sourse for hunting boots


New member
I'm looking for a good online source for hunting boots. Anyone have good advise and experiences?



New member
I know I am not answering your question but I think buying boots without trying on the exact pair your buying is a bad idea. Most back pain and knee problems stem from improper fitting shoes and boots


New member

Cabela's is a good place to get boots. I got a pair of IRISH SETTER Greenhawks about 6 months ago. I love'em, best boots I've ever owned, wear'em every day and they are comfortable. I didn't find to many boots that fit my specifications: "wide" size, moccasin toe construction, uninsulated, Gortex lining, light weight, and cost under $150. The Greenhawks are perfect.

I bought two sizes, then sent back the ones that didn't fit. That's how I buy a lot of my clothes and footwear, return shipping is only around $5. Small price to pay for a perfect fit, a great selection, and a good price. Plus, it saves a lot of time, gas, and having to go to the (ugh) mall. -- Kernel

[This message has been edited by Kernel (edited April 17, 2000).]


New member
I agree Cobraman! I typically try on footwear at one of several ludicriously overpriced retail stores, determine what suites me in a given make and model, then shop around town and online for the best deal.


[This message has been edited by Erik (edited April 17, 2000).]


New member
Ah Smart thinking Eric. I also want to offer more unrequested advice. If you wear boots alot get a good footbed insole for them. The Superfeet Brand insoles have saved me from giving hiking on the AT. I have a regualar pair and I also recently had a custom pair made. Man! My feet and back are happy now! Feet and well fitting shoes are very important. Sorry for the shameless Plug of one of my favorite products.


New member
I buy my LaCrosse rubber boots for coon hunting from Wicks Outdoor Works in Montgomery City, MO. Best service around. If you need their number I can dig it up.