Online Gun Show Source?


New member
I know I can find a gun show listing in the Shotgun News and Gun List papers, but is there an online site that I can go to for information?



New member
Thanks for the links!

That Jacksonville show sounds mighty tempting.

Anyone here been there?

Good SHooting


New member
The one in Jax, at the Prime Osbourne, hasn't been as good as the one's at the Fairgrounds, and the Morocco Shrine Auditorium.
It can really be a hit or miss show, depending on who shows up. If your lucky, then a lot of the regular dealers will be there (about 3 major dealers, 10 to 15 minor dealers), and a few private sellers. If its not a good one, then a few dealers, with the rest being jerky, militaria, and reloading guys.
Last time I went it was $6 at the door, not much as far as new stock, and a lot of overpriced C&R.


New member
Sounds like the Panama City/ FT Walton shows.

Dang..I miss those shows at the Tulsa Fairgrounds. Talk about a good show!

There is one in Tallahassee in August and that is a good bit closer to me, 2 hrs vs 5, so that might just be the one I take a look at.

And yep. They get nutty with C&R prices for some reason.

Good Shooting