One trigger or two?


New member
I'm looking into purchasing my first CAS shotgun, and I'm pretty sure I want to go with a Stoeger Coach Gun in 12ga. What I can't decide is whether to go with the one trigger edition or the two trigger style. My indecisiveness is mainly due to the fact that I have no idea what the difference between them is (other than price).

Are there any advantages/disadvantages to one style over the other?

Thanks for the advice in advance!


New member
After researching about them through Youtube reviews and forum posts, it's quite clear that the single trigger model has many more problems reported with functioning properly. They can double fire, fail to fire and have light firing pin strikes mostly due to the mechanical trigger reset system.
Meanwhile the double trigger model is much more reliable, functions better right out of the box and both barrels can be fired at the same time by using two fingers if desired.
Apparently the single trigger reset system causes a lot of problems and even after being sent back to the company for repair, they don't always get properly fixed.
I can only suggest to stay away from the single trigger model because they're a risky purchase.
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New member
I know that Ol#4 who shoots in the Frontiersman category uses Browning single trigger SXSs using BP and has no problems with function. I believe his shotguns are mechanical rather than recoil operated singele trigger operating guns.


New member
Hmmm. So, mainly it's a reliability and preference issue? I suppose I could live with that answer; guess I just thought there was more to it than that;)

But if unreliability really is common with the single-trigger styles, why do they cost more than their double-trigger counterparts?


New member
Because they're a more complicated setup. Go with the double trigger if you want every shot reliability.

Jim Watson

New member
A GOOD single trigger will likely last as long as you do.

A cheap single trigger is what you should avoid. Same idea as Elmer Keith warning against cheap sidelocks.

You will be surprised how fast you learn to shoot a double trigger shotgun. I was concerned when I bought mine, but the gun was nice, the price was right and I picked up the technique in short order.


New member
In recent years, a lot more cowboy shooters have gone to the Browning and SKB double barrel shotguns. There are a number of gunsmiths out there setting them up for cowboy action and more of them are converting the enertia guns to mechanical triggers. They know how to make them reliable. The Stoegers and Baikals are still popular, but a lot of shooters have decided it's worth it to spend more and get the Brownings or SKB's.

The other modification that is popular is to switch the triggers on the double trigger guns so that the front trigger is on the left and the back trigger is on the right side. It's popular, but I don't see how much faster you can get over a standard double trigger setup.. Mark


New member
Get a double trigger, one less thing to go wrong.

I don't lose any time going to the second trigger.

I have to cock two hammers, shuck two empties, load two more & close the action before I get back to the triggers anyway.


New member
I can't speak to the model you're looking at but your post reminded me of when I was a kid and started hunting pheasants with a double barrel. My Dad got me an old used N.R. Davis double 16. We hunted with a neighbor who had a good dog and who taught us well how to hunt pheasants in a swamp and how to drive the cornfields. Mind you, we were very safety oriented . . but I remember the first time I had a bird go up, I somehow managed to pull both triggers at the same time. Didn't knock me on my you know what but it did teach me a valuable lesson. . . . relax and don't get caught up in the excitement and never position your finger so that the middle finger was anywhere near the back trigger.

The neighbor found a custom built L.C. Smith double 12 with two sets of barrels, ivory beads, engraving, custom fitted case and a single trigger - it was beautiful. He bought it off of an old man who wanted someone to have it who would use it and appreciate it. This was in the early 60s and he paid the fellow $300.00 for it - a lot of money at that time - today it would be more like $3,000. It had a select single trigger which could be selected to fire either side first, depending on what you wanted - modified or choked. He would let me hunt with it and for pheasants, we always had the "brush" (short - 20") on it as we hunted in some pretty dense swamps where you'd have to get right on top of the bird before it went up - in fact his dog was a pointer and he'd point and sometimes we'd have to literally "kick" the bird up. Shooting that shotgun was like warm butter in your hands - it fit you perfectly and I don't ever remember missing a bird with it. All you had to do was point, shoot and the bird fell.


New member
Gotta be honest man i can see your hesitation to pick just one but as some one already said above , double triggers are so confortable and reliable, you won't have to think about where your hand is. it becomes engrained so quickly you'lll find yourself doin the same bone head move i've pulled and miss a shot on a bird after feeling around for that oh so illusive second trigger on any given pump gun-
I say double trigger, and nice choice with stoeger, i have yet to here any complaints of them.


New member
Another thing to consider is ejectors are not legal for CAS. If the gun you get has them you will have to disable it. Since shotguns are staged open you can disable the safety. You can polish the chambers and use smooth sided shells and a flick of the wrist when you open it will most times throw the empties just like they were ejected.