One pistol you would never sell or trade ??


New member
Which pistol would you never get rid of...One that you have complete confidence that is accurate & will not let you down in any situation...I really dont have one since I seem to trade my pistols in on something different about every 6 months...


New member
It would be my Colt 22 Targetsman. Bought new just before they were discontinued, and it was my first handgun purchase. Many have come and gone since, but this one will be passed down. BTW it is still in mint condition after all the use it has gotten thru the years.


New member
Boy that's a tough one. It would probably be my 1994 Browning Hi Power, 9mm Silver Chrome. Beautiful, accurate, reliable. classy.

Jimmy Mac

New member
Glock 26 with night sights and NY1 trigger. 100% reliable and accurate. I have carried it everyday for about 5 years.

Chris W

New member
Great Grandad's Colt 'lightning' model 1877 nickel plated .38. His service revolver in the Kansas City police force, issued 1884. With his holster and badge.


New member
Hmmm, that's a tough one, cause that means I'd have to choose between my CZ (9mm) and my Springfield (.45).
I like them both equally for their seperate charms, but if I really had to take just one, I'd keep the 1911A1.
But you'd hear the whining for months;)

Tropical Z

New member
I always thought i'd never sell my Tanfoglio GT-27 since it was my first gun.Unfortunately,it was such a piece of garbage i had to let it go.Now,i would keep my Hi-Point compensated 9mm since it is utterly reliable and i love to piss-off Glock owners who think they own the only good gun in the world.;)

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Greeting's All,

vyper005, I could just say "all" and that pretty much would
cover the subject; as I have complete confidence in
all of my firearm's, as well as my ability to use such
weapon's.:D But, to answer your question the answer
would be: Sig-Sauer P220A .45 ACP S/N= G235XXX.

Next would be a tie between a Sig-Sauer P228 9m/m with
high cap's, a Smith & Wesson 629-5 "Classic" .44 magnum
with a 5" barrel, and a vintage Smith & Wesson model 60
"Chief's Special" in .38 special caliber.

The "newcomer" to my arms chest is a Smith & Wesson 6"
686-5 .357 magnum. While its a darn good shooting gun,
I'm not as fond of it as I am the second group of firearms.
The double action isn't as smooth as I would like; and
certainly not as "slick" as the factory action found on the
629 Classic.

But in closing, I'm not ready to depart with any of my handguns;
only wish to add more. Over the years I've owned some real
nice one's; but let most of them slip from my grasp for one
reason or another.:eek: :(

*FootNote- Both Sig Sauer firearms are marked "Made in West
Germany", with the German proofhouse marking.

Sorry for the long rant, but I'm very proud of these weapons
and I love to talk about each one respectively.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member

Blue Duck357

New member
I think my bud Dan has the right attitude on "All", were always possibly just one day and a selfcentered 16 year old who didn't get enough hugs from mommy with a tec-9 away from not being able to replace any of the handguns we may sell.

That said I've done a lot of selling and swapping because as we have no ranges that rent within 200 miles thats about the only way I know to try out what I like that I can afford. So it's a neccesary evil for me on occasion.

All that said, last one that would ever go,

4" S/W model 19-4 with Eagle Heretige grips, Wolff Springs and a really nice trigger job by a local Smith. Best all around gun I own-though the G-17 comes close ;)

Chuck Dye

New member
EVERYTHING I own is for sale, some things are better bargains than others. The guns I would not sell are not the best or most collectable, they are the heirlooms.

Bob Locke

New member
I wouldn't want to choose between my G19 and my G21 as I love them both. My G21 is my favorite of all the firearms I own, but my G19 is my carry pistol (and currently sits in third on my "faves" list).

Guess if it came down to it, I'd keep the G21 and find a way to turn it into a CCW piece. Talk about a CHALLENGE! :D