one more Tannerite thread...


New member
Okay, once and for all... what are the legalities of owning/mixing/detonating tannerite? Yes I know its "legal to own in all 50 states" but what about when its mixed together and its activated?

I've read that its okay as long as its detonated on site where its mixed.. ie - don't drive around with a loaded active charge as that constitutes transporting explosives without a permit.

But my firefighter buddy is giving me a world of crap about it, telling me how he's not concerned about the dangerousness but he's concerned about jail time if I were to acquire and enjoy some. Now I've pointed him to every possible link and thread that states otherwise, but he summed it all up with, "you can't just blow stuff up where ever you want!" And unfortunately I'd have to agree....

... soo... can i use it on BLM land? NF land? etc etc... I personlly don't see the big deal, we have a "range" here outside of town thats basically a dumping ground for stuff people wanna shoot at... and I can't see the harm is using a little tannerite there. In particular it'd be greatly useful for my long range shooting (esp when I dont have a spotter with me) so I can tell right away whether I've made a hit or not.

What do you guys think? Is he blowing this (no pun intended) out of proportion? Or do I need to worry about making the G-men mad?


Moderator Emeritus
I have never used Tannerite on public land. Only on private land (with the owner's permission, of course) and only in townships that have no laws against noise nor any restrictions on firearms.


New member
Thanks Bluesman, unless anyone else knows something different it looks like i'll be keeping it to private land. Its an extra hour away but thats okay.... it'll be worth it :D

Sgt Snafu


I've got some Tannerite that I've set off at an old gravel pit in the woods where it is common for people to shoot. I have no idea who owns the land, but I still get nervous with the tannerite. Everything I've read says it's legal because it's considered to be a "reactive target", (whatever that is) not an explosive target. But that doesn't mean that you won't get arrested for it. Even if you won in court, it would still cost you a fortune. But on private land, I'm sure you're okay. Hope this helps.


Moderator Emeritus
Had a couple of LEO family members over and did a little bowling pin shooting in the back yard today. My uncle up and asks me if I had any Tannerite handy. I said "Are you kidding me? I'm the midwest distributor of Tannerite!" (not really).;)

Ten minutes later we were touching one off with a half dozen pins around it in a semi circle. It took the finish off of the pins and sent them dozens of yards away. My cousins were most impressed. :D

No police came. No neighbors complained. I sure love living outside city limits. :)

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
We have a staff shoot scheduled at the ranch next week. When a couple of the fellers said they'd never heard of Tannerite, I looked at one of the guys who has, and winked.

"Hey Jim! Betcha can't hit this harmless, lil' ol' bottle from a hundred yards!" ;) :D