One more "dream gun" acquired


New member
Although I know the tangent sights don't make much sense the cool factor plays into it strongly. So I got it into my head that I wanted a type 3 Hi-Power with the tangents, bright blue and an FN Herstal model. Finally nailed one NIB and at a great price through Vector Arms. They have more if anyone is craving one of these beauties. Got about a half dozen more 'must haves' on the list and then I'm done. :rolleyes:





New member
Nice gun. The BHP is very underrated. I have about 4-6 "must have" guns that would "complete" my collection. I don't have a large collection BUT itmote than covers my needs and satisfies my wants well enough.


New member
Looks great! Agree the tangent sights are not exactly practical but they do add to the cool factor. Have to ask...would the rear sight fold back down on every shot due to the slide returning forward to battery? Or at least would it be thrown out of adjustment?


Amin Parker

New member
Beautiful beautiful beautiful.

Congratulations. I also recenty bought myself one of my dream guns. A 4inch Python.

My list is frighteningly long of must haves. Fortunately i have managed to find a number of them and in some cases bought 3 examples of each. One for home defence, one to shoot and one safe queen.

I have 3 Brownings. My favourite pistol in all the world


New member
Nice and interesting gun....

and the coolness factor is HIGH. I just scratched my Hi Power itch I had had for years also - but with a newer MK III. Never heard of Vector arms - do they have a website?



New member
Have to ask...would the rear sight fold back down on every shot due to the slide returning forward to battery? Or at least would it be thrown out of adjustment?
No it doesn't lift like a vernier sight on a rifle. The two knobs on either side are spring loaded. You press in on them and slide them forward. They push the sight up and also give a reference to how many meters you've adjusted the sights to.The tangent sight is held down by a pretty strong leaf spring.

Never heard of Vector arms - do they have a website?
Yes, here it is. Nice guys to deal with. They are also on Gunbroker as vectorarms.


New member
Nice aquisition! One I wouldn't mind having myself.

I had to chuckle at your comment that you only had a few more to add to your collection and then you are done. I hope for your sake that you are right. Most of us have said that at one point or

Anyway, enjoy it, as it is a nice firearm.