One Million Rounds A Minute!!!


New member
One million rounds a minute! Invented by Mike O'Dwyer, Metal Storm changes the face of projectile firing weapons systems. You may have heard of it.

Metal Storm embodiments include handgun versions, grenade launchers, and massive super volume launchers. Apart from the projectiles, Metal Storm weapons use no moving parts! Furthermore, the systems emphasize accuracy of delivery, as opposed to dispersed destruction. Even underwater applications are being studied. Some video clips are available below.

Numerous applications are being evaluated; and considerable security cloaking is involved, as might be expected. Metal Storm is doubtless a key milestone in weapons development. Such monumental markers of progress are quite rare in the field of firearms. Consider progress from muzzle loading guns to the introduction of metallic cartridge casings, the advent of smokeless powder, arrival of semi-automatic firearms, the Gatling gun, and various other machine guns.

Not destined for typical civilian uses, Metal Storm is nonetheless intriguing technology that is well worth following and appreciating.

Charles S

New member
I saw this beast in action on the Discovery Channel, very impressive. I think this could change anti-aircraft, projectile technolgy.



New member
the link doesn't work for me tamara.

but metalstorm is a solution in search of a problem. not to mention it has a number of shrotcomings.

oh and BTW, one of the problems it has searched out is producing a commercial smart gun. Here in NJ, we have a particular hatred of metalstorm... at least as gunowners.


New member
And not only can you not reload ammo for it, you can't reload IT. Gotta buy that "factory loaded barrel" thingy, with computer wiring contacts built in!


New member
One million rounds a minute

"One million rounds a minute" sounds like HCI propiganda. If you can find a way to Feed and Fire One million rounds a minute, I have got to have one!
For all practical purposes this is bull because anything over 10,000 rounds and the ATF will take you to jail. :(

Number 6

This is an ad

disguised a topic.

Query: So, when the Metal Storm has shot its wad, what's to stop the position from being over-run or otherwise neutralized when it's being reloaded? Sounds like ground-pounders will still have a job.

Put this back into Popular Mechanics......


New member
You don't have to feed it.

"If you can find a way to Feed and Fire One million rounds a minute"

You don't have to feed it, only fire it. Visualize a black powder gun with let's say 10 loads stacked in the barrel and a nipple by the powder charge for each load. Starting with the forward-most load, you fire them in sequence, in their case electrically. It may only be limited by the how quickly one bullet leaves the barrel before the next one can be fired. Now bundle 50 or 100 barrels into a box of some kind and you can approach the million rounds per minute rate. The problem is that after you've fired your 10,000 rounds in a second and a half or whatever, you can't reload it. You've just got a box with tubes in it.

According to the History Channel or the Discovery Channel, they've had this thing for a number of years and the only people interested in it are the people in NJ who are trying to use it as a platform for a "smart gun". (Actually, according to the show, no one was interested in it. Only after NJ passed its "smart gun" law and a second rate college in NJ got some money to study "smart gun" technology did they have someone interested in it)


New member
I think this could change anti-aircraft, projectile technolgy.

Downing aircraft is easy.

Hitting them is where the difficulty lies. That's why advances in anti-aircraft technology come from targeting systems, not ballistic systems.

Ben Swenson

New member
Every one of their suggested applications to small arms strikes me as silly and potentially disasterous.

One thing they've come up with is a handgun designed to fire both lethal and less-lethal projectiles. I could be wrong but this strikes me as an absolute training nightmare. In high-stress situations it isn't uncommon to hear about police officers drawing their sidearm instead of their taser and killing suspects when they just meant to shock the fight out of them (whether this is a good thing or a bad thing in individual cases is debatable, but when it comes to lawsuits, I can't imagine it would be desirable).


New member
Oh boy...

The Metal Storm handgun employs electronic locking, which can limit firing access and stop unauthorized use. It can even be programmed not to fire within, say, the grounds of a school.

I can hardly wait. :barf:


New member
You can hardly wait for what; the bypass directions to show up on the internet? Does anyone want to set up a pool for how long after these things are released that the bypass instructions show up.


Ben Swenson

New member
The real bet is which would show up first - directions to bypass it, or directions to remotely activate the lock (i.e., the frequency and signal to transmit so the gun thinks it is in a school building or government office).


New member
It seems like a solution in search of a dilemma! Hell, we have trouble getting ammo to the troops as is! 1 million rounds per minute is indeed hyperbole and marketing strategy! :rolleyes:


New member
Using their logic wouldnt a double barelled shotgun fire close to a million rounds a minute?

Assuming that you pulled the triggers at the same time.


New member
I think technically, yes, but two loads vs. several hundred or thousand just might make a difference to someone on the receiving end....
