One Last Rifle


New member
I'm thinking about buying one last rifle. I'm very happy with my 336 Marlin 30-30, and my .22 rifle for plinking and small game. But, I'm thinking about getting a SHTF rifle. Something I will shoot get the hang of, then stick in the safe and go back to my favorites.

I hear different stories on the Mini-14 and the AR is out of my price range. I see the VEPR at about $600, but is there a better buy on an AK out there? If I go the gun show route and just pick up a SKS, which is the best Yugo, Chicom, or Ruskie?

I live in a very small town and I have a 20ga and .357 for defense. I'd like to hear some ideas.


New member
If $600 is your price range, then you should put an AR back into the category. If you built one you should most definitely be able to afford one, if you bought one you "should" be able to get one for that. (Most guys at the gunshows over price their ARs because they either think they can get away with it or that the consumer doesn't know exactly what their shopping for)

Saigas are good, or so I have heard. (They are AK based). I think the mini-14 is over priced, but I am partial to AR in the .223/5.56 category. AKs are very reliable option as well, not as accurate as an AR but if its sole purpose is a SHTF rifle we will assume you don't exactly have distance on your side. Another option might be a tactical shotgun.



New member
As for a "better buy" on an ak, you may want to look at a saiga 308, if you can get one. I would have one, but twice, circumstances beyond my control intervened. :(

The saiga is a modified ak-47. It comes chambered in 12 ga, 20 ga, 410 ga, 223, 7.62X39 and 7.62X51mm.

You might want to get the 308, although it is a bit more expensive. Most people can get at least 2moa out of thier rifles.

Some issues are:
EAA stopped importing them, so prices are a bit higher than normal. ( A year ago, i was saiga 308's for 240 - 250 dollars, now, that would be a steal. 280 would be more common, and people would probably say that that was a steal as well.

Because of the nature of the saigas (they are newly manufactured and imported from russia), they cannot be imported with pistol grips or regular capacity magazines. So you will need to convert your rifle to take reg-caps and have a pistol grip, and add the requesite num,ber of american parts so you are 922R compliant. the conversion is easy to do.

for the 308, there is no easy magazine conversion without modifying the trunion. HOwever, an independend manufacturer is supposedly making some normal capacity magazines for the saiga-308. Supposedly, pics arrive tomorrow. We'll see. But again, i believe you have to swap out some of the russian parts for american parts so it can be compliant with the law (and take hi-caps)

Head over to

for more information on the saiga.


New member
If your anything like me, you will never be satisfied unless you buy the rifle you REALLY want. It may take time, but save up for it. If by that time you change you mind, at least you'll have the money to buy almost anything that's out there, within reason. ;)


I would have to agree with the above. Many (most) of my rifles were bought "just because" I could. Hell, I just bought another MK3 from Aim today because it comes with original bayonet and such. I like them but I really wanted an AR every since I fired one in the military. Qualified on them but never got expert or marksman. Wanted one just to fire and prove that I was and then when the ban ended, ended up getting one with both the .223 and the 7.62 uppers. I've never been as happy as I am now. Like a mouse finding the storeroom of cheese. And, I just fired it yesterday, which brings even a greater smile on my face. All mil-spec, costs me a pretty penny, well worth the wait and the time to save up the $$ to buy it.

Unless your state has a ban, or you know one is coming, don't be in such a rush to just go out and buy, that comes later when you apply for and get your C&R (god, ain't that the truth :( ). Save up and get what you really, really want.

To tell you the truth, I have so many if TSHTF rifles that I could actually outfit a small army. Between the SKS's, the Sporter, the AR and now two MK 3's, anyone in my area would be well armed if need be. I'm not bragging, just saying that you can run out and buy this and that but the most important thing is to buy what you really want.

Take a deep breath, sit down, and decide on the rifle that you really want and then go from there. Don't limit yourself to $600, put that into the bank to gain interest (savings) and then add to the amount when you can. Then when you get enough, go and buy my friend, go and buy :).



New member
one way to get an AR

is to buy the lower first while you decide what kind of upper you want on it.
Around here you can get a RRA or Bushie lower with 6 pos. adj. stock for less than $300. Buy the lower first, then decide if you want a full size, midlength, or shorty upper.
You'll pay the same, but it cuts the cost into 2 payments so it's less painful.
And then there's all the fun extras that you get to pick from.....
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New member
THAT'S a helluva good idea, utaherrn!

My preference is Bushmaster.
For all-around use, the 20" A3 upper w/sight handle would be a good AR15.


New member
IF it were to be my last rifle, and I didn't already have one, I'd make sure it was an AR. Money notwithstanding... Simple as that. :cool:


New member
Oh, come on. How can you get your "last rifle"? I can't imagine such a thing. Actually, I've been buying my last (fill in the blank) for years now. That was several dozen firearms ago.


Agreed. If you're *anything* like most of us dudes around here, it will be the first of many of your "last rifles" - hee. Also second the Saiga option.