One handgun a month law in Virginia

Senate just passed the repeal 21 - 19.

House passed it a last week, or the week before.

It now goes to a governor who has stated that he will sign it. :)

I can't remember, but there MAY be multiple versions of the repeal in the house that will have to be sorted out.


New member
That's great! I'll admit I hadn't followed the repeal very closely, since the monthly limit doesn't apply to CHL holders. Still, the law didn't serve much purpose, so it'll be nice to see it gone.


New member
Have the opponents been running around making dire predictions of carnage, violence, shoot outs at the OK corral, etc., once the law is repealed? If not, that might be an indication that they are getting tired of losing that argument in the public square. It doesn't mean they'll give up, but they might be a little battle weary.
It doesn't mean they'll give up, but they might be a little battle weary.
Part of the Attorney General's testimony last week focused on the idea of enacting stricter laws against "trafficking" of guns. "Bulk trafficking" has always been the Brady Campaign's justification for "one gun a month" laws, so they might use that for rhetorical ammo.

[Cue Barber's Adagio for Strings]

"The United States Attorney General and many members of Congress agree: it's time for tougher laws on gun trafficking. Thanks to reckless new legislation passed by gun-lobby cronies in Virginia, weapons just like those used to kill [insert tragedy of the week] will flow through our streets like Crisco on a Slip-n-Slide."
"Have the opponents been running around making dire predictions of carnage, violence, shoot outs at the OK corral, etc.,"a

Is a bear Catholic?

Does the Pope poop in the woods?

Of course they have. That's the only thing they have. It's the big lie repeated many times. Only, in their case, it's been slipping effectiveness for years.


New member
oh man seriously?? now you mean all the criminals that buy guns out of vans can buy more than one gun a month??? those irresponsible gun toting republicans :D


New member
Outstanding news. I had no idea that Virginia had a one hand gun a month rule. I'm glad we have another victory.


New member
What were we thinking? We're gonna lose the only points we got on that Brady Bunch state score list they publish every year. :D
Virginia has 16 points from Brady's scorecard.

Repeal of 1 gun a month will take us back to 13 points.

We need to get universal Vermont carry, which will pull another 2 points, Campus Carry, another 2 points, and protection for those who want to leave guns in cars in employers parking lots, another 2 points.

That would get us back to 7 points, a FAR more reasonable score.


New member
Virginia has 16 points from Brady's scorecard.

Repeal of 1 gun a month will take us back to 13 points.

We need to get universal Vermont carry, which will pull another 2 points, Campus Carry, another 2 points, and protection for those who want to leave guns in cars in employers parking lots, another 2 points.

That would get us back to 7 points, a FAR more reasonable score.

Know we have a goal, and even a scorekeeper.

Being last has advantages.

chris in va

New member
Proud of VA. First it was restaurant carry, now this. My friend lives in MD, been trying to convince him to move there for years.
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New member
i remember the anti-gun tidal wave that swept in the VA "one gun per month law". It was a dumb law and i'll be glad to see it go away.

BTW: The Brady bunch gives OK two points. If we can get the legislature to approve campus carry we'll be at 0. :D


New member
Funny thing was,when the law was in effect and there was still a Gilbert's small arms range in Springfield,Va. , I was able to buy all the guns a month I wanted up to the number of days in the month.


If I had a trade in gun,they would'nt apply the law to the purchase because you were giving up one gun for another.

All of that had to go in the information for the purchase.

Gunserial number being traded in with the gun serial number being bought on that day.

Many years later I told another gun store's employee about this and he said-oh no-you can't do that.

"Heck Man",I told him,"the guys at Gilberts called Richmond and made sure it was legal to do it."

And I did that three times over several months there.

Anyway,you won't have to trade any guns anymore to buy more then one gun a month in Virginia soon.


New member
I have pointed out to I don't know how many Richmonders that the ATF already requires dealers to report multiple pistol/revolver purchases in a 5 day period. And not just the VA dealers. So far, that's ended the complaining about the change in the law. Here's the form. The typical reaction is, "They do? Oh."