one-handed drills?


New member
Does anyone have a link that they can steer me to describing with words or pictures, how to reload and clear a jam using just one hand?

Thank you.


New member
With the gun firmly in your hand, use the top edge of your belt, to catch the rear sight, and push down.

To remove the empty magazine, push the magazine release button and flick the empty out.

To insert a full magazine, put the gun in your holster and use the one hand to seat the magazine in, and make sure it clicks in.

You can use the heel of your shoe too. Just kneel down and use the heel, but remember, you will be pointing the gun to the rear, which could be a No-No in range safety.
With finger on the frame and off the trigger, you can also

1) Drop the magazine.
2) Use the heel of your shoe to work the action against (or a wall or other nearby rigid & stationary object).
3) Tuck gun into belt, beneath disabled arm's armpit, between legs.
4) Retrieve spare magazine with good hand and insert into mag well.
5) Retrieve gun and using heel of shoe, belt, or whatever, function the action.

When you practice, you may want to practice with dummy rounds and don't forget to practice this with your non-dominant hand too. You may not have the luxury of deciding which hand or arm may be disabled.

Dave R

New member
I practice a one-handed "tap-rack-bang" drill. Similar to what others have described, one major difference.

1. Whack heel of magazine against leg ("Tap")

2. Rub slide real hard and fast against your leg. With most any pants, there's enough friction to rack the slide convicingly. ("rack") Yes, with thin pants you will bruise your leg. But its a "big motor skill" that is easier that catching the rear sight against your belt, or shoe etc. Those are more like fine motor skills, which may be hard in an emergency. The "wipe it hard" method is fast, and works every time. With jeans, my leg doesn't bruise.

3. Dry fire ("bang")

Practice strong & weak side. Wear jeans mostly, but try with (old) thin pants once in a while.

Robert Foote

New member
All of which points up the utility of a sturdy fixed rear sight that sticks up enough to give some bite. I would imagine that it would be a little more difficult with something like Novaks. Might be rough on some of the adjustables, too.

I used to run similar exercises during qualification. Good things to do occasionally; if nothing else it instills persistence. (One handed weak hand revolver reloads can be done, and fairly well.)

In Eugene Cunningham's book 'Triggernometry' he details a gunfight in which Jim Courtright had his gun hand thumb shot off by his opponent's wild shot. While trying to switch hands Luke Short shot him three more times. When Courtright was dying he was trying to cock his SA Colt with his TEETH.

Now that's a last grand gesture of defiance.


New member
There's one other thing to practice that is, perhaps, even more important.

With your gun holstered on the strong side, let your strong arm go completely limp, and then practice DRAWING and firing your carry gun with the weak hand.

You will be surprised how many people can't get their gun out of the holster with the weak hand!

If you use a high security holster, or a holster with a safety snap or strap, you'll probably get rid of it after one time of trying this drill.


New member
thumb around the backstrap, fingers of the same hand closed around the top of the slide, thumb pushes the frame forward, best done with the grip held parallel to the floor so whatever was jammed can fall out


New member
There are a couple folks trying to get those low profile rear sights (like what Kimber uses) made with little raised edges specifically for this drill.

You can either reach behind your back to draw your weapon with the weak hand or just reach around the front, lift it enough to clear the trigger guard, flip it around so the grip is facing forward, then put it back into the holster. Let go and easily grab the pistol. Slow but sure. My plan is to not get shot :) LAter.