On this day in 1777...

We would have lost but for the French making it an international affair. Their support ($ and guns) and intervention was a major factor is bringing about the victory at Yorktown. We also should thank the Dutch and the Spanish for tweaking the British lion's tail.
Yeah, they might.

But today, with the tables turned, the French will probably be footing the bills for the Iraqis against the United States...


New member
Don't get all choked up. France did it to stick a finger in King George's eye. Anything that pissed off the Brits and caused them to commit military assets away from Europe was in France's favor.

I know exactly why France did it. It certainly wasn't out of any esoteric desire to promote anti-monarchial sentiments.

The only ones who would have that even vaguely in mind would be the Dutch.
Concur with Mike. It was payback for the other wars; especially the last French-Indian War. Hey, they didn't lose anything but "a few thousand acres of snow." (Voltaire consoling King Lewie on the loss of Canada).