On the rush to legislate and it's display in CT.

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Source: The 15 July National Review on-line, likely in their hard copy too.

July 15, 2013 4:00 AM
Rush to Gun Control
In the wake of Sandy Hook, Connecticut follows the Pelosi rule.
By Katherine Connell

"One problem with the Connecticut gun-control law that went into effect earlier this year is that it wasn’t properly enacted into law. At least, that’s the argument the National Shooting Sports Foundation makes in a suit it filed last week, which alleges that lawmakers illegally circumvented the normal legislative process in their rush to pass a bill in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting rampage."

The foregoing excerpt, sourced as noted, struck me as interesting. The rest of the article upheld that interest, particularly regarding "the rush to legislate", displayed in CT and other locales too.

Despite the emotion driven calls for "doing something", arising from the killing of innocent children, the following thought remains respecting the emotional hype that pushes legislation. When might one hear from elected officials, all of whom are sworn to "support, uphold and defend the constitution", the following? Enough, this is not how legislation should be done.
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The article itself is here.

Connecticut has a law requiring a two-day minimum period for public review before a vote is taken on legislation. However, that can been circumvented if the Senate President and House Speaker agree that enaction is an "emergency."

The fact that only one day passed between the bill's announcement and the governor's signature is eerily similar to the situation with New York's SAFE Act.
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