On the debunking of a fairy tale, Obama's Support For The Second Amendment

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New member
See December 2013 issue of The American Rifleman, page 96

"Obama Cites UK and Australia As Gun Control Models, Signs ATT", actually The Secretary of State, former senator Kerry signed the thing, acting on instructions from, and with the support of the president. Think anyone out there still believes that Obama Supports The Second amendment or that he Supports Second Amendment Rights, or that he is anything but a died in the wool anti gun apparatchik?

One last question re this UN passed ATT. Have you been in touch with your U.S. Senators lately?


New member
My Senators are

Feinstein and Boxer. :eek:

I contacted their offices and they responded with a canned "Guns are bad" email. :mad:


For it to affect us it would have to be ratified by the senate, it simply will not have the votes for that to happen.

As for Obama's gun control statements, he's a smart man and knew gun control measures didn't have a chance of getting through congress. It did however help stimulate the economy. There are more gun stores in the US than McDonalds. Thanks to fear mongering, right wingers causing a nation wide panic buying frenzy, that cleared (and is still clearing) shelves in LGS's nationwide. Increased manufacturing, increased retail sales, increased state and local tax revenues. Brilliant.

Time to take a good look at the country you're living in. It's always about money. Just money. Not safety, not common sense, not even about the constitution, only $$$$. As soon as guns and gun accessories aren't profitable commodities, then get worried.


New member

Re you having Feinstein and Boxer as your Senators, might I offer my sympathy. It isn't much, but that's all I can manage. Back when I lived in the Bay Area, Feinstein served on the SF Board of Supervisors, obviously that was a long time ago.


I hope that your opening conclusion is correct. As to there being "more gun stores than McDonald's", the following comes to mind. Thank heavens for small favors, and don't you regret the demise of The Greek Diner?

As to Obama, for myself, the less said of that man, the better, especially since I prefer to stay within the bounds of polite conversation, hard to do with reference to President Obama, "he of the forked tongue"
We've had innumerable UN Arms Trade Treaty threads, and we've had plenty of threads about the President's position on guns.
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