On-Line Ammo Stores


New member
Ok, I really should know this stuff although in the many years of shooting I have never purchased ammunition from an on-line source. The only reason I'm considering it, is that my local dealer doesn't seem to carry what I want and their pretty slow on the draw with special orders.

So, I registered with a couple of sites and I was shocked by how unprofessional the one store I had to call for clarification of a particular offering. I could easily hear employees in the so-called background telling jokes and sharing ideas for nightclubs. They were so loud I mentioned it to the friendly gal who was helping me out and she agreed that it wasn’t very good. The other site’s catalog was quite flaky and left me feeling as though they too were bottom-feeders.

I would appreciate a few references for a reputable online dealer.


New member
Do some searching on this forum. Lots of good references. I like Grafs because they pay the shipping.


New member
Just one experience--with ammoman. It was the only place I could find .32 ACP at all, so I ordered 500 rounds. Good price, quick delivery, I'm happy. But like I said, that's one order.


New member
I've done business with America Outdoors, Midway, and Cabellas. Of the three, Midway and Cabellas have been the most reliable. However, lately, all of the online sellers, including the aforementioned two, are badly backordered. I've been waiting for about 3 months for Cabellas to fill a couple of my orders. I realize it's not their fault, they're at the mercy of their suppliers, but still . . . . :(


New member
I've only dealt with Midwayusa. I've never found them to be anything but courteous and knowledgeable. Their prices are, given the times, reasonable, and they have a pretty good stock. Of course, much of their stock is depleted and on backorder, but that's universal these days.


New member
I've gotten quite a bit of ammo from Natchez and found them excellent to buy from. I like it that you can get on a notification list that lets you know when out of stock items become available.

Have also used Wideners frequently and find them very good to deal with.


New member
Those sites always say "Check your local laws." Does anyone know where to find that info online. I've always felt paranoid about calling the police to ask. The first person I talk to invariably has no idea and has a suspicious tone in their voice.


New member
I placed an order at Georgia Arms around 9/22, they said they had a 5 to 7 week back order. they emailed me yesterday that they shipped my order and sent me the tracking # today for delivery Monday. Given the current market I would say that good service. I guess i'll see Monday...


Active member
It's a heck of a lot easier ordering ammo online than going from gun store to gun store to wally world trying to find some. I use Ammoman.com. Very fast delivery, never had a problem.