On Gun Control and other matters of interest


New member
I sent the following to U.S.S. Bob Casey. You might wish to consider the attitudes of your "congress critters" on these matters, also the position/attitudes of your local paper.

Note to moderators: The following seems appropriate to me. Should you disagree, please advise.

I strongly urge that you do not dismiss the following prior to careful thought, very careful thought.

While from media, including The Pgh P-G, we see persecution of guns and gun owners, the vast majority of whom live entirely normal lives, bothering nobody, concerning the admitted criminality of The Financial Sector, those oh so large banks and Wall Street Mobs, nothing much concerning prosecution of responsible individuals, the highest levels of management, or the lack of prosecution, is heard. Do you not find this at least slightly curious, I believe that I would, especially if I were a supporter of The Second Amendment, as you claim to be. By the way.14 of these banks, "settled with regulators" earlier this week, admitting criminal actions concerning their home mortgage operations. Earlier UBS pled guilty to a felony re its "cooking the books" of LIBOR (London Interbank Rates), other banks had earlier settled similar charges. No prosecution in view yet.How many more shoes will drop?

As to semiautomatic rifles, mentioned in an emailed response from your D.C. office, Remington and Winchester offered such arms, prior to The First World War. Magazine capacities varied, depending on the caliber and model. Not a whole lot new here, is there? Of course, those older Remington and Winchester rifles didn't have the "military look" so much discussed these days, yet they were semiautomatic rifles.

Re your statement to the effect that you would vote for an "assault weapons ban", have you seen the text, if same is available, of the latest iteration thereof? As to Senator Feinstein., who is readying one such, a little history might interest you, strikes me that it would.it , but then some have described me as "evil minded".
1. The lady, at one time, perhaps still, "packed heat", This despite the ready availability, for her, of publically provided armed security, such as is not available to Joe and or Jane Every Person. She would also deny to Joe and Jane, the "packing of heat", that she practiced. Another point of interest, no?
2. Additionally, upon the enactment of the Clinton era "assault weapons ban" so-called, she offered the following. "If I had 51 votes, it would have been, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in". Did she reference those so-called "assault weapons" in particular or firearms in general. In either case, her line of thought could obviously be characterized as follows. The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, The Second Amendment be damned. To a supporter of The Second Amendment., that being me, this is unacceptable. How does it strike you, also a supporter of The Second Amendment, so you say.

So senator, concerning Feinstein's latest efforts, or any similar proposals, the following characterization should come immediately to your mind. DOA, as in Dead On Arrival, notwithstanding your earlier, ill considered comments on the subject.