OMG! I did it! Barely came out alive!!!


New member
I went to the brady website! I've been wanting to visit some anti sites to see what "arguments" they have.

Well...a few seconds on the brady site, and I was ready to throw my poor laptop out my second-story window!!!

Oh, the HUMANITY! Oh, the sheer volume of tinfoil!!!

:barf: :barf: :barf:


They didn't have any pictures of Rosie or Ms.Reno posted on there web site,by any chance did they?.......;)


New member

Thanks, that will work in lieu of caffeine for the time being.
It's hard to imagine how skewed some group mentalities can be, but that site helps put it in perspective.


New member
According to the NRA, the Second Amendment's guarantee of a "right to keep and bear arms" is as broad and fundamental as the First Amendment freedoms of speech, assembly and the press.

Correct. Therefore, we need to remove all laws currently in place, as they violate the constitution. They agree to this according to that statement. If they disagree with this, (of course they will) then I vote that they LOSE their freedom of speech. See how they like them apples...

It is time for the NRA and its followers in Congress to stop trying to twist the Second Amendment from a reasoned (if antiquated) empowerment for a militia into a bulletproof personal right for anyone to wield deadly weaponry beyond legislative control."

She's right. Let's ban the internet, TV, radio, etc. as SURELY the first amdmt. could NEVER have been envisioned by the founding fathers to include such modern implements!

Ya know...the more I think about it, I really don't need to challenge any views I have on this subject. The only assurance I need that I am right is the following:

- The Constitution of the USA
-Federalist Papers, in which many of the fathers CLEARLY and unequivocally state the necessity of the people to bear arms
- The simple philosophical argument that: I have a right to life, and therefore have a right to self-defense. The right to bear arms is a necessary component of the right to life and SD, as a firearm is the most effective SD tool currently available to humans.



New member
dZ, Here is a good link to keep your blood pressure up. :mad: :mad:

It is from a pamphlet available in .pdf format at

How to keep guns out of your business

With the growth in workplace violence and assaults in business settings, companies
should think twice before allowing hundreds, or perhaps thousands, of CCW licensees to carry
concealed handguns onto business property.57 Consider, for example, the following potential
types of violent scenarios that could take place in a business setting if handguns were allowed.
· A disgruntled employee participates in a grievance hearing. During the hearing, the
employee becomes enraged and pulls out a concealed handgun, shooting not only his
supervisors but other employees who have attended the hearing. The employee then
turns the gun on himself and commits suicide.
· An employee becomes infatuated with a fellow employee and makes several
unwanted advances that are rebuffed. One day after another advance and rebuff, the
harassing employee takes out his concealed handgun and murders the fellow
· A customer comes into your store to shop. While the customer is in the store, an
armed robbery occurs at the front counter. The customer, wanting to be a hero, pulls
out a concealed handgun and starts shooting toward the robbers but instead hits and
kills your employee who is standing behind the counter. The robbers return fire,
killing the customer, and then flee the scene.
These are just some of the types of violent encounters that businesses must address in
their security plans. In each of these scenarios, the presence of a firearm can easily turn a
stressful situation into a deadly one.