Olympic shooting sports...


NBC has decided to not bother covering any shooting sports during the upcoming Olympics. They felt that the sports would be too slow paced and boring, and that they would appeal to only a small minority of Americans.



New member
I'd like to at least see the 10m air rifle match... that sucks. The first gold medal in the 2000 olympics went to Nancy Johnson, shooting a Feinwerkbau P70 air rifle. It's an amazing piece, I own a left handed version (that I'm selling, since I don't shoot it enough anymore), and it's simply the best trigger I have ever felt. Truly a hair trigger, I adjusted it to eliminate the first stage, and the second stage was light (68 grams) and crisp. If you never have felt a competition smallbore rifle, look at an anschutz or a feinwerkbau rifle at a gun show, it's a work of art.



New member
Did NBC actually say that they won't show any of the shooting sports in the Olympics? In the past when NBC has carried the Olympics, they have used both CNBC and MS-NBC to show all kinds of oddball events that typically would not get rampant viewer interest. These days, with all the available channels, it would be a crime to specifically not show a whole slew of events, even just bits of them.

If NBC actually came out and said that they won't show any of them, it must be because it's a "gun" thing. Any other reason they could possibly offer would be complete crap. They show syncronized swimming for crying out loud.

IIRC, they showed some winter biathalon (cross country skiing combined with rifle shooting) in the last winter Olympics.


New member
I don't think China has a choice. If you're hosting the olympics, you're hosting ALL the Olympic sports.


China has some of the best shooters in the world. Expect to see them well-represented in the medals.


New member
One of the nice things about living near the border is that we can watch the CBC. They usually cover the "non-glamor" sports better than the American networks.


New member
Yep, just over the Border on Vancouver Island, the Swedish team has leased the new Biathlon range on Mt Washington.

You know, too bad WA State will not issue Alien Firearms Licenses to foreigners anymore, that way foreigners training for the Vancouver Winter Games could train in WA State...


In looking over NBC's TV schedule on that website, there is no mention at all of any shooting sports coverage. The coverage is being dominated by swimming and diving, volleyball, gymnastics, track and field, and basketball.

There are a small handful of minor sports that will get coverage on TV. I see that both the Men's Gold Medal table tennis match, and the Women's Gold Medal badminton matches are both scheduled for coverage.

The new marathon open water swimming event should be an interesting one to check out. This is a new sport, and its first appearance in the Olympics.

I wonder if any of the minor cable Networks will provide additional coverage?
