Olympic Arms questions


New member
I have a chance to do a trade which in part means an Olympic Arms AR15 style rifle would be coming my way. I am unfamiliar with this particular arm.

Any information, particularly from personal experience, would be appreciated.




I have not seen the gun yet but will tomorrow. Anything in particular I would be watching for.



New member
I would meet at the range and shoot it a bunch first. On this forum especially they have a poor reputation. Some of that is due to the early cast reciever models they were producing that were junk. The only experience I have with them was at olympic arms day at the range a few years ago here in Wa. All of the models I shot were accurate and were decent looking enough. They do scimp on certain details though and certain gunshops even around here where they are made don't like to sell them due to high returns for repairs (or so they say). As AR's go they are considered one of the lower end lines so the value is not going to hold well. I guess the target match models have somewhat of a loyal following though.


New member
I just bought their GI Carbine model and I'll pick it up next week. I'll let you know what I think. It was just over $600 so the price is definitely right.


New member
I've owned one, their Plinker Plus model. It was not one of the older cast models, but a newer non-cast one. I shot thousands of rounds through it and never had a single failure. A lot of guys don't like them, but I don't know why, my experience was a positive one. They will not, however, have the re-sale value of some of the other brands out there.


New member
i know 2 people who have them and so far they have had 0 issues with them.if all you can afford right now is one, go for it. you can always upgrade parts as you go along.


New member
They tend to be accurate. Quality can be uneven; there's plenty of stories of ones that work great, there's plenty of stories about ones that don't.

If you'd be willing to take it as a range plinker, go for it.


New member
My 2 cents...

Own two...bought first one new during the AWB back in 2003...bought the second one used in 2007 from a friend liquidating his collection before moving to NJ for his job.

Both have the fit / finish comparatable to any other AR out there...and accuracy is top notch. ( target below 100 yards out )

I would check it out at the range before buying ( as with any used gun ).


CAR97 (w/ red dot optic, 6 position adj stock and Pachmayr grips)


PLINKER PLUS (left factory stock)



Heres a link to Olympic Arms...http://www.olyarms.com/
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New member
I bought mine new several years ago on an attractive price point.It has never failed to fire or function properly.
I don't have a ton of rounds through it but I would depend on it without hesitation.
I have seen used ones going locally for $550-$600.


New member
Waterengineer, I have one of the Oly K3B-M4 models and have nothing but good things to say about it. Only issue I've had was first trip to the range the trigger pin tried to walk out one side. I didn't notice until I was cleaning the rifle. I popped it back into place and have since put several hundred rounds through without a problem, so my guess is it just wasn't seated properly at the factory.

Be aware that Oly only sells 1 in 9 twist barrels and they don't do chrome lining. Some hard core black rifle types will tell you that's a show stopper, but for me (and I'm sure the majority of recreational shooters) it's a non-issue. My 1 in 9 stainless steel barrel is more accurate than I am and has done great with everything up to and including 75 grain Hornady Match hollow points.