olympic arms car-97 Vs pre-ban CAR


New member
Need help.... Which one besides the cost? Would LOVE a Commander Colt AR-15 but where will I find it and what body part would I have to give up to own it? Thinking of compromise and getting CAR-97 from Olympic Arms. Has anyone used the new muzzle break that they have on these rifles? Anybody got one? All help would be welcome. They seem like a good company. Been to their website and such already. If not this type rifle.....Should I buy an IAI M1 Garand and use the extra $$ for en bloc clips and other parts? Please Help!!?? ---DAROGUE1

Steve Smith

New member
If you're looking for a CAR type rifle, why not buy one of the M4 types on AR15.com in their group purchase? The rifles are of Rock River Arms manufacture of which I haven't heard once cross word about...only good. The rifles are selling for $660.

On the Garand, buy nothing but USGI. Buy from http://www.odcmp.com

Good luck!


New member
If you want a preban CAR15, your best bet is to buy the very cheapest preban you can find, regardless of brand...usually Essential Arms is the cheapest and they can be found for well under $1000. Then take the lower and put the upper and telestock of whichever company you consider the best on it. I personally recommend Bushmaster for the best combination of reliability, quality and value.
A lower is a lower is a lower, so just buy the cheapest preban you can, sell off the upper and stock it came with and buy whichever replacement suits your fancy.