Olympic Arms Bans Business in NY


New member
Now, I have no idea if they did any volume of business in NY but I applaud their conviction. Now only if other manufacturers would do the same. Or even better - if pro 2A civilian gun buyers boycotted any gun or part manufacturer that sell to NY government agencies. Wishful thinking, I know.

Press Release: Olympic Arms, Inc. Announces New York State Sales Policy

Olympic Arms is a staunch believer in and defender of the Constitution of the United States, and with special attention paid to the Bill of Rights that succinctly enumerates the security of our Divinely given Rights. One of those Rights is that to Keep and Bear Arms.

Legislation recently passed in the State of New York outlaws the AR15 and many other firearms, and will make it illegal for the good and free citizens of New York to own a large selection of legal and safe firearms and magazines. We feel as though the passage of this legislation exceeds the authority granted to the government of New York by its citizens, and violates the Constitution of the United States, ignoring such SCOTUS rulings as District of Columbia v. Heller - 554, U.S. 570 of 2008, McDonald v. Chicago - 561 U.S. 3025 of 2010, and specifically the case of United States v. Miller – 307 U.S. 174 of 1939.

Due the passing of this legislation, Olympic Arms would like to announce that the State of New York, any Law Enforcement Departments, Law Enforcement Officers, First Responders within the State of New York, or any New York State government entity or employee of such an entity - will no longer be served as customers.

In short, Olympic Arms will no longer be doing business with the State of New York or any governmental entity or employee of such governmental entity within the State of New York - henceforth and until such legislation is repealed, and an apology made to the good people of the State of New York and the American people.

If the leaders of the State of New York are willing to limit the right of the free and law abiding citizens of New York to arm themselves as they see fit under the Rights enumerate to all citizens of the United State through the Second Amendment, we feel as though the legislators and government entities within the State of New York should have to abide by the same restrictions.

This action has caused a division of the people into classes: Those the government deems valuable enough to protect with modern firearms, and those whose lives have been deemed as having less value, and whom the government has decided do not deserve the right to protect themselves with the same firearms. Olympic Arms will not support such behavior or policy against any citizen of this great nation.

Olympic Arms invites all firearms manufacturers, distributors and firearms dealers to join us in this action to refuse to do business with the State of New York. We must stand together, or we shall surely fall divided.


Brian Schuetz
Olympic Arms, Inc.

Willie Sutton

I'll be ordering a rifle from them tomorrow. I don't care when it's delivered.

Other manufacturers take note: I'll buy one from every manufacturer that follows suit.

Interesting that they will refuse to permit their products to be sold *privately* to police, fire, and other first responders within the state. This is not just for government purchase order sales. I expect that they will ask their dealers to respect this. With backorders of nearly a year, they will have no problem selling their output no matter what.

So, to put skin in the game:

I will personally pay for a new Olympic Arms AR-15 for the first NY State Trooper who puts forth a letter of resignation to the Governer, stating that the reason for his resignation is that he or she can no longer enforce the laws of the state with good concience, and makes note of Olympic Arms sales policy in the letter of resignation. I make the same offer to the first officer of the New York State National Guard with a rank of O-5 or higher or E-5 or higher who is willing to write the same letter. I will do the same for any Sheriffs Deputy with not less than 12 years of service. I am willing to buy a rifle for the first in each category to take me up on this, for a total of four rifles.

I sent a copy of this to Brian as well as all three of the sales managers (General, Domestic, and Government) at Olympic Arms. I hope somebody takes me up on the offer. I will remit funds directly to Olympic Arms, for delivery to the recipients FFL of choice in the free state that they choose to reside in.

I will provide my real name and contact information to the staff of TFL to facilitate this, and will permit it to be publicized in SWAT magazine if they so desire.

It's time for the worker-bees of the state to stand up, ansd it's time for us to encourage them.

Who's next?


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New member
Yep I'm gonna scoot over to their website and pick something out to order! I'll back up anyone whos willing to put their money where their mouth is.


New member
I'll be ordering a rifle from them tomorrow. I don't care when it's delivered.

Other manufacturers take note: I'll buy one from every manufacturer that follows suit.

I don't have the $$ right now, but they just went up to the top of my "will buy" list.
A very big thumbs up!
Vote with your wallet guys!
Awsome offer Willy!


New member
Where was this Press release at? I went to Olympic Arms website and it didn't say anything about it. You would think it would be on their home page.


New member
Very well-written and succinct defense of the people of NY.

I'm going to hit their website and see what I need.


New member
Need to put the pressure on Magpul now. They are about to lose their hi cap mag production as they manufacture them in CO. No sales to gov. agencies whose state pass anti-2A laws.


New member
Wow. I just wanted to provide a standing ovation for Willie! Good for you, man! I wish I had the funds to back you up.

Willie Sutton


No need to add funds, just recruit guys that are willing to walk away from a job that's become one enforcing unconstitutional laws. If they are willing to put the long term good of our Republic ahead of the immediate promise of a paycheck, I'll reward them.

Anyone who has read Atlas Shrugged knows who John Galt is, and what he did, knows what I am doing. I'm just a recuiter encouraging others to move to Galts Gulch. One day.... if history repeats itself....they will all walk away from their jobs.

For now I would settle for four good men.




New member
They just went after FOP.

Now, Olympic Arms has drawn another line in the sand, calling out the Fraternal Order of Police when they were solicited to advertise in a FOP publication.
The following was posted to Olympic Arms Facebook page.

Olympic Arms was recently asked to advertise in the FOP Journal; the official magazine of the Fraternal Order of Police. It is well known that the FOP is a staunch supporter of Gun Control, had backed the AWB under Bill Clinton, and supports the current AWB under consideration that was introduced by Diane Feinstein. The FOP was actually accredited as being one of the sources that helped prepare the language of Gun Control suggestions that were forwarded by Vice President Biden. Below is a copy of our response to the FOP Journal:
Please forward this email to every major principal in your organization. Note, the post was reformatted to better fit this website.
1. The Fraternal Order of Police is on Congressional Record as having been a major supporter of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban.
2. As a matter of fact and record, the FOP is accredited with assisting VP Biden in formulating the language of the newly proposed ban
3. Additionally, as a matter of fact and public record, the FOP is in support of the newly recommended Assault Weapons Ban introduced by Senator Feinstein.
a. FOP representatives were actually standing on the Stage during the presentation as a sign of “support”.
Olympic Arms, Inc, manufacturers of AR15 type firearms, firearms that these legislators would call “Assault Weapons”, will not be supporting in any way, shape, form or fashion, The Fraternal Order of Police, any organization that represents, supports, takes advertising dollars from, spends advertising dollars with, is in anyway related to, any individual who is a card carrying member of, or any person or entity in any way associated with the Fraternal Order of Police. Period.
- Be assured that Olympic Arms will not rest in its efforts to educate our customers, fans and followers the extent of the hypocrisy committed by the FOP and FOP Journal (fighting to outlaw the firearms produced by the very companies they now solicit for advertising dollars…). You can also be certain that we continue to make every effort to properly educate the firearms consumer in general, of the same.
- Additionally, we will make continued efforts at assure that ALL firearms manufacturers are aware of the FOP’s support to strip Constitutional Rights from Americans, and their support of further unconstitutional gun control legislation.
- We pledge to inform all of our customers the lengths that the FOP and associated FOP affiliates by proxy (which includes all your advertisers)are willing to go to in order to strip the American Citizen of their Constitutional Rights, while at the same time writing in exemptions to the same legislation to ensure that their members maintain those same rights they would have stripped from others.
- Your actions are the actions of a rogue organization supporting tyranny, not an organization sworn to uphold the laws of the land, to protect, serve and defend their constituencies.
Let it be know, that your actions are reprehensible and shameful.

Thomas A. Spithaler
Sales & Marketing Dir.
Olympic Arms, Inc.

Dr Big Bird PhD

New member
Email I sent just now:

Olympic Arms and representatives,

My name is *********, I am ** years old, live in Southern California, and built my first AR 15 clone about * months ago.

I am writing so that you may know that I am 100% in support of your new sales policy regarding New York and the FOP. I have never owned any thing by your company. However your press releases and moral stances regarding the topics of gun control are inspiring to see from a company such as yourself.

You may have lost a lot of LE customers in New York state, but you have gained an additional customer in California. I only ask that if my state follows New York's footsteps, that you mirror that policy in my state.

If there are any accessories, optics, parts, ammo or such that I can purchase from your company to help support your business in such a trying time as now, I would be happy to.




New member
I just sent Olympic Arms an email supporting their actions and promising to buy an Olympic AR when available - a promise I will keep!!!