Oleg - We now know why you moved

Greg L

New member

Thursday letters from readers

Published Jan 10 2002
Dodging bargains

To impress my friends and neighbors with my patriotic fervor, I am flying to New York to shop. One hundred deaths a year in the aviation industry will not deter me from making my small contribution to the economy and the nation. I am probably safer in the air than on Minnesota soil if the state Senate passes the concealed weapons bill later this month.

How can I keep following the president's dictum "shop" if I am afraid to poke my nose outside my front door? With 32,000 deaths in the United States each year by firearms, we should be able to exceed that total with the new proposed law by Sen. Pat Pariseau, R-Farmington, the blessing of the National Rifle Association and the signature of the gun-loving governor.

How can I keep going to malls and restaurants if the person near me has his weapon in his pocket ready for use if the store is out of the required size or the last walleye has been eaten? I will have to hide under the blankets and stop shopping.

-- Erica Bouza, Minneapolis.

:rolleyes: :barf:



New member
With people like that in this state, I'm ashamed to call myself a Minnesotan. :(

Frankly, the possibility of becoming a shall-issue state is one of the reasons I'm hanging around as long as I have. (That, and the girlfriend won't move without a ring or some-such thing... ;) )


New member
mpthole: Is that Bouza any relation to the former Minniapolis P.D. chief that claimed the .50 cal. Desert Eagle chambered the same round as the M-2 MG? If so ignorance runs in that family. If you want to move, North Dakota does have a few vacancies available.:D


New member
Somebody might want to tell this individual that the guards at the airports carry machine guns, and that NY already issues concealed carry permits. She might just realize she is doomed to live the life of a hermit and will just mail order everything until the day she dies, or gets robbed and realizes how wrong she was.


David Park

New member
Of course she's going to New York (City) to shop. Guns are banned there, so it's totally safe, no violent crime at all. NYC is just as safe as those other gun-free utopias, Chicago and DC.


Excuse me while I go wash the blood off my shoes. You know, it's flowing in the streets here in shall-issue Virginia. I already shot three people at the local fast-food joint today because the French fries were stale.


On a serious note, I did go to a fast-food joint for lunch. Another customer was walking with a cane and wearing an NRA hat. :) I felt very safe.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I hope MN passes shall-issue, not holding my breath.
TN has shall-issue *AND* runt_of_the_litter lives there.


New member
Way to cover tail, Oleg...

Wouldn't want her to think that the only reason you moved south of the mason-dixon line was so you could pack heat...



TN has shall-issue *AND* runt_of_the_litter lives there.
That's here, Oleg...not there.

You live in Tennessee and have attended at least one gun show...you're practically a native. :cool:


New member
actually runt_, that makes sense... Oleg, definately keep the Russian accent. Better to be thought a ferr'n'r than a Yankee.



Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Being on TFL, being with Betty, being in TN all add up to me not being cornered. I am thinking more strategically these days and I like what I see as the long-term prospects for RKBA. I think we won the battle back in the mid-90s but (as with Midway '42), it won't be obvious till later.


Staff Emeritus
If so, Oleg, I hope it won't be too much later.
This old grandfather would like to see it before he cashes in. ;)


New member
See I knew it all along people in Minnesota are nuts! I thought it was only my relatives up there. I cant beleive that a newspaper would print that tripe! We could also attribute this to their close proximity to the Canadian border.


New member
No don't blame it on the Canucks. They ain't all bad up there. Take everything from Manitoba west, excluding Vancouver and you have a lot of good folks. By the way Dinosaur, Bouza ran for Gov. of Minnesota and was soundly trounced. Looks like N.Y.P.D. got rid of him to their good.


New member
I am pretty sure that Erica Bouza is either the wife or daughter of Former Mpls. Chief of Police Tony Bouza. She is/was a local peace activist and jewelry maker. I could have sworn that there was a story floating around that she had a CCW because she or her daughter carried valuables (jewelry) around in the course of her day to day business. But please don't hold me to that. It could merely be made up.
I do recall that Tony Bouza had the distinction of arresting his own wife at a demonstration outside of Honeywell (you know, part of the that military industrial complex that brought us so close to WWIII because of Reagan and the greedy businesses, bla, bla, bla) back in the early 80s. He also refused to say that there was a gang problem in Minneapolis during his position of Chief. He said that it was a problem of young persons without purpose of mentoring that had to be addressed. A nice combination of euphemism and lumping together of those committing crime and those who do not. Oh yes, for all of those in Canada: Bouza also delivered a speech to the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police at some symposium urging them to keep the strict controls on handguns because they were to blame for America's high violent crime rates (Toronto Globe and Mail August 27, 1986). The source from which I got this info (regarding Bouza's speech) is David Kopel's 'The Samurai, The Mountie and the Cowboy: Should America Adopt the GunControls of Other Damocracies?' p.18. It is an excellent book to cite from (as are the other books of his).
But the Strib (Star Tribune) has always been a left-wing paper. They probably consider themselves even-handed because they occasionally have a George Will column in their op-ed section.


New member
Erica's the jailbird wife of former Minneapolis Police Chief Tony Bouza, a former NYC transit cop, who had the distinction of being actively opposed by the Minneapolis PD's rank and file each time his contract came up for renewal. Chief Bouza pushed too many "anti-cop" policies. (And it didn't help that he referred to the 2nd Amendment as "garbage" on a local televised debate.)

Erica earned the "Jailbird" title after being sentenced to the county lockup/workhouse for, IIRC, crossing the line of legal behavior during one of her lefty protests.

Ms. "Jailbird" Bouza was associated with more than one screwball cause when I was still living up there. I wonder why she crawled out from under her rock now?