Old AWB and grenade launchers


New member
On another board I'm in a thread that's starting to vier to the old AWB restrictions.

What are my talking points re grenade launchers?

Number 6

On another board I'm in a thread that's starting to vier [sic - "veer" ?] to the old AWB restrictions.

What are my talking points re grenade launchers?

That they are Destructive Devices, as are the grenades themselves, and thus still under Federal law. The AWB is wholly irrelevant as to DD's.

Note that 37 mm FLARE launchers are benign and not affected.


New member
Grenade launchers as covered in the former AWB refers to muzzle attachments intended for firing rifle grenades. I bet it was only included in the AWB in order to add shock factor. "What do you mean grenade launchers were legal before?!?!?"

It's not like it really matters, as where the hell are you going to get a rifle grenade anyways?

You can argue that it's stupid because there are only a handful of weapons with grenade launching attachments anyways, and that criminals firing off rifle grenades was never even a problem to begin with.

Dedicated grenade launchers like the M203 or M79 are NFA firearms.


44 AMP

94 Awb

Included flash suppressors as banned, BECAUSE there are rifle grenades (European I believe) that will fit over the flash suppressor and could then be fired (with blanks).

It completely ignored two important things, 1) the grenades are "destructive devices", and therefore covered under the NFA '34, each one would have to be registered and tax paid in order to be legal, and 2) outside of Hollywood, anybody ever hear of a crime in the US invoving the USE (not posession) of rifle grenades?

it isn't about "protecting" the public, and it never was. It is all about how they can screw us.