Ol' Steven's 20 SXS Tacticool!


Staff In Memoriam
Feller is askin' $100 obo so I think tomorrow mornin' I will be gettin' hold of it...

Already fully rigged as a tactical weapon...
Well... My sort of "tactical" anywho... Has that cheezy nylon woodgrain "first generation" synthetic furniture and ever-thang!:D



Staff In Memoriam
I don't know these guns... But I will be lernin' 'em... If at all possible, it will get wood furniture and the plastics will go up for dibs...

I just recently bought the same gun, only with wood furniture.

It's fantastic, fits me like a glove, and I can hammer clays with it.


New member
Brent, just so you make sure you're not getting into trouble, he's not selling it so cheap because he messed up and cut the barrel too short to be legal? I know you're aware of such things, but they can be easily forgotten when hot on the trail of a fantastic deal.


Staff In Memoriam
Zip, I will be taking a stingy tape measure along... I am hopin' I am right that the pic looks to be at least 19 inch but hope to see 20" more.



New member
Zippy brings up a good point. I once talked to a cat who had a mossberg 590 he chopped down to 12 inches. He wanted 75 bucks. I was going to buy it and get a new barrel, but he had torn up the stock, then he showed me the rest of his sawed offs.... I went home, quick.
Good luck


Staff In Memoriam
I once talked to a cat who had a mossberg 590 he chopped down to 12 inches.
Would have just needed a new mag tube/spring and barrel with short barrel thrown in the drink...

"Zippy brings up a good point. I once talked to a cat who had a mossberg 590 he chopped down to 12 inches. He wanted 75 bucks. I was going to buy it and get a new barrel"

Which would have made you guilty of at least one Federal felony punishable by a long time in jail and a lot of money out of your pocket.


New member
Which would have made you guilty of at least one Federal felony punishable by a long time in jail and a lot of money out of your pocket.

Not if you told him to remove the barrel before you took it. At that point, you are only buying a receiver and stock and he will be left holding a piece of useless pipe.


New member
One other warning, those tenite stocks have this nasty tendancy of grabbing your cheek and not wanting to let go. They can sting a mite.
I once bought a mossberg maverick cheap because the fella had tried to cut the barrel himself. He kept cutting it off square and trying again. By the time he had it semi-right he was left with about 16" of barrel. That was an easy fix, most mossy barrels will swap out. That ain't always so with the 311 so be careful if it's too short.


Staff In Memoriam
I am good on the legal end... I have a tape measure along...

As for the tenite pinch... Yep... we had a similar setup on a single shot stevens as a kid... At one point, it got an electrical wrap to "fix" the crack.:D