Okay, I'm impressed.


New member
Today's trip to the firing range went surprisingly well. Summer's finally here, which means it's too bloody hot, and that sucks. The particular range I visited only allows paper targets, and that sucks as well - I'd rather shoot at cans, or old computers, than pieces of paper so far away I can barely see the bullet holes - that being 25 yards, for the record. White paper, light-colored sand, bad eyesight and using a mere .22 add up to me peering downrange in dismay and wondering if I even managed to hit paper.

Red dot scopes mounted atop Ruger Mk.IIs are quite fun. Mine didn't magically make me a great shooter though. Must be defective.

Coach guns aren't much fun with 3-inch magnum slugs. I was using a Rossi
Overland, a neat side by side with exposed hammers and 20-inch barrels...my shoulder is quite sore, and interestingly colored.

Anyway, at one point I found myself bored enough to load two magazines' worth of spent casings and run them through my Sig P225. This was random stuff picked up from the ground: brass, aluminum, dented brass, whatever..the gun cycled nicely, without a single jam. I was impressed! I'd tried to get it to jam before, by feeding it a mixture of 9mm that ranged from the latest and greatest +P hollowpoints to crap that looked like Ottoman Empire army surplus (aside from a few hard primers, no malfunctions occurred). Now that empty casings have been fed and extracted without a hiccup, I'm convinced this gun cannot be jammed.

Now I want a P220.


New member
As SARGE says, "the 225 is like pulling Excalibur from the stone" and the 220 is "Thor's Hammer"


New member
The first time I read about loading a magazine fully of emptys and seeing if they would chamber it sounded like a good test to me too.

I grabbed two of my 1911s and tried it. Believe it or not the Norinco would do it and the SA would not. Based on the fact that both are without fault using loaded ammo, and about every kind of loaded ammo at that, and since I almost never shoot empties, I decided the test was useless.

There is no way I can help but sound peevish typing this and I understand some gunsmiths consider this an appropriate test for functioning on 1911s but for the life of me I can't see what it proves other than you pistol will do "tricks". Seems about like praising a pistol for being able to chamber the smallest size Tootsie Rolls etc.

Hope I don't come off sounding like a AH, very much not my intention.
BTW your SIG would still be way beyond swell even if it floppped at this test would it not?
Take care.


New member
I've never tried the empty casing trick, but my P220 has jammed only once in about 700 rounds, and that was in the first few magazine. I run either cheap-ass FMJ or federal hydra-shoks.


New member
I once had a Colt Commander that would reliably feed empty cases, yet jammed often with hardball. Chuck Taylor once made mention that he too saw guns that would feed empty cases yet still jam with ball ammo. SIG's are indeed mighty reliable, but nevertheless don't fall for the "feeds empty cases" trick.


New member
My TZ99 and AO 1911 will feed empties, but can't extract them - the slide freezes shut! My friend's CZ-75 does as well.

I think I will refrain from doing that test anymore.