OK, you got me to thinking about casting


New member
I started a thread about buying some bullets and someone suggested I get into casting my own. Thirty years ago a buddy and I started casting and loading our own. He had the casting equipment and I had the loading equipment. Well, two states, three moves later and a lot of time in between loading I forgot what all he had. I still have a few hundred of the castings in 158 grain semi wad cutters and I must admit they are nice. I am an experienced handler of lead as I have made hundreds of thousands of fishing lures so that part is not a problem. Just trying to get the equipment needs down and not buy something I don't need.

So here is the question - what do I need to do this right? A good friend several hours away has everything but I might want to pick some of this stuff up as I can. Here is what I "think" I need.

Melting Pot (now that is a no brainer)
Mold - I have read that the Lee aluminum molds are good - I see RCBS is cast and much more expensive - I remember using something with two cavities.
I watched a video on youtube about using the Lee Lube and Size kit with the Liquid Alox lube - pretty straight forward process
The big question is after lubing with Alox and running them through the Lee sizer they still need to be lubed to fill the rings from what I could tell. It also looked like the Alox was all over the bullet and made it look pretty greasy. The ones I have done do not look like that.

So do I need to pick up a sizer/lube machine and forget the Lee dies? Seems like it adds another step to use the Lee dies and then still have to run them through another machine to lube them. I know I can lube and size at one time which makes sense but the tool is fairly pricey if I am looking at the right thing.

Links and help to straighten out this old guy would be helpful.

Thanks in advance


New member
It isn't actually required to resize after tumble lubing though many of us do. I would recommend if you go that route to get the Lee dies which cast bullets specifically for tumble lubing. Like this for example http://www.midwayusa.com/viewProduct/default.aspx?productNumber=164178 though I use the 6 cavity version to speed things up.

Tumble lubing works great just remember that a little bit goes a long way, I use a little less than half of what Lee recommends (1 bottle for 1000 bullets). I also find that 15 seconds in the microwave helps to come out of the bottle easier.


New member
Most guys start out with the Lee molds, and the Tumble lube. Cheapest start up by far. I have used the tumble lube bullets in the past. The Lee lube works best if you cut it with a little mineral spirits.
As too sizing the only way to know for sure is to slug your barrel.
Lee advertises most of there bullets do not need sizing. That would be a whole different discussion.
Lee T/L bullets are very accurate, but can also be very messy.
If thinking about getting back into casting, I would highly recommended the Lyman Cast bullet Manual, It is very cheap but will answer all your casting questions.
Like all manufacturers manuals it will steer you to Lyman products, which are very good but a lot more money.
The Lyman manual along with tips on casting is also full of cast bullet load data.


New member
I think I was the one who suggested you start casting.
You will need
1) a furnace, I recommend http://www.midwayusa.com/viewProduct/default.aspx?productNumber=645810
2) mold(s) in your caliber, I recommend something like this
3) a ingot mold, I do not like the Lee the handle gets in my way
4) a wood mold mallet, a piece of broom handle will work. Or this
5) sizing kit, try this in your size.
6) and some odds and ends like gloves, shoes ect. Your choice. Use your head.
Most of this can be bought for around $120.00 total.
The Lee molds work great and you cant beat the price. I size with RCBS Lub-A-Matic but have used the Lee kit and it works well, follow instructions with kit.


New member
The only Lee molds worth a darn are the 6-cavity ones. They have steel alignment pins and are built to a higher quality than the others. You can also make a big pile of bullets very quickly with them, which is always nice.

If I didn't already have several nice seasoned molds in the designs I want, I'd be looking hard at the brass molds made by Mihec in Europe. The website is:


I believe he also makes some very nice aluminum molds as well.


New member
I agree with AlaskaMike, the 6 cavity molds from Lee are their best and they will make a PILE of bullets in a hurry......they will also drain a pot in a hurry. I have to keep ingots on the hot plate next to the pot in order to keep the pot stoked.


New member
You might want to head over to the castboolits forum. There's a bunch of experienced casters and mould makers over there who are glad to help out with any questions.