OK, two barrel boys, name your quail chokes


New member
Over good dogs Skeet / Skeet for me in 12, 20 or 28ga ( depending on my mood ). I have a Browning XS Skeet model, 30" barrels, in 28ga that makes a nice quail gun - but I would carry a couple of other chokes, just in case in my vest, but I would start the day with the same chokes regardless of the gague.


New member

If you don't have a skeet gun. Go first round (Imp. Cyl) second round (Mod.) that will take care of it providing you are shooting 8 or 9, or 5 shot.


8's to 8-1/2's either through IC/M fixed choked gun, or SK/IC through choke tubes, but even C/IC will work on planted birds in FL


New member
7.5 shot with IC/Mod. Those 8s don't fit my teeth too well. I use 6s for preserve raised quail. They flush close and don't require much of a shot load.


New member
For quail over dogs, I generally choose Improved Cylinder and Improved Cylinder in my 20 gauge O/U. The alternative is Skeet and Improved Cylinder. Improved Cylinder and Modified is usable but I find the Modified to be rather tight for quail in most instances. I like #7 1/2 shot for quail.

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Anything from none to LM. I've done good work on quail with riot barreled 870s and a jug choked Lupara and a terrific little French SxS that had 8 and 15 POC. It was a death ray.

With doubles. I oft mix load. Cheap 8s in the first barrel for spread, a trap load of 7 1/2s for a bit more range and energy in the other..

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New member
I use IC/Skeet. When shooting released birds, I always try to wait and let the birds get away before shooting so I have a decent pattern. It's easy to shoot too quick on the slow-flying released birds.