Ok...I need opinions..PLEASE?

Eric Larsen

New member
Im looking for what a gun is worth. Not what a person has into it...just what is reasonable......? My Kahr K40 has had some inquiries..nothing serious. I almost got to where I could keep it but have decided to keep it up on the chopping block! I could squeak by but FRANKLY IM TIRED OF SQUEAKING! :D Ive decided to take a partial trade in a 9mm...smaller med sized gun...CCW!

Anyway...if you feel you can offer a reasonable opinion on a fair price.. Please help...Im quite frankly at a loss! I dont know if Ive "over smithed it" or what?....

BTW, Im not selling my gun thru this thread...K? Im really trying to get honest feedback! I shot it yesterday...its seriously a nice gun...one of the nicest Ive owned....oh well.

Thanks and Shoot well


New member
I don't know what to tell you, Eric. You may have "oversmithed" it, as most folks aren't used to seeing Kahrs, let alone nicely smithed ones.

The other problem, I think, lies in that more people seem to be after the K9 than the K40. The reason I say that is that on this for sale forum, gunsamerica, gun broker, etc. you see a fair number of K40s for sale, but very few K9s, and fewer K9 elites.

Also, this pistol appeals to a buyer who's looking for a good CCW, and for CCWs sake, more people are looking for a pistol with a stainless finish.

It all boils down to finding the right buyer for your pistol (the demand must be there). I don't think it's overpriced for what it is, but a person who is looking for just such a goodie hasn't seen your post, YET.

Good luck to you Eric, and don't get so desperate in selling your pistol that you undercut yourself too much!!


James K

Member In Memoriam
Hi, Eric,

You don't indicate which K40 it is, but with the exception of the Wilson custom package, they all run around $500+ for 100% condition, down to around $250 for 60%.

You also don't indicate what you mean by "oversmithing". If you have had good quality work done on it, the value may be more, but if the work was done by you (unless you are a top notch gunsmith), the value will be less. Most people are shy of any mods but are rightly scared of "kitchen table" gun work. If you have had personal touches, you may have trouble finding a buyer who likes the same things you do.

Note that the prices above are retail. In other words, they are what a gun shop will charge, or what you might be able to sell to an individual for. A gun shop will give you about 3/5 of that if you are lucky. (A dealer is not going to give you more than he can buy the gun new for.)


Eric Larsen

New member
Thanks for the replies thus far.
As far as oversmithing goes...the only thing I question doing really are the front slide serrations. They were quite intentional...the 23# wolff recoil spring makes it a bear to work the slide. Even Kahrs with the OEM recoil springs are not fun to rack the slide on. The serrrations are to assist with the increased spring pressure and will be very beneficial in case of clearing a failure at the wrong time. :rolleyes: My oversmithing question was really directed to the general Kahr public, if you will. To me after carrying the gun..all smith work done to it serves a real purpose.
The gun started life as the basic black K40. Funny you mention the Wilson gun. My guns "tuning" and most modifications are actually very close to the Wilson gun...with the exception of the Wilson finish and the additional front slide serrations and night sights.
All of the Smith work was done by Terry Gardner. His work is highly regarded and is a top gunsmith in UT. He is also who did the make over on my little Ruger SP101. Just as a point of curiosity I took the guns and had them "checked out" by other very well reputed smiths locally and all agreed, he did a top notch job on both guns. I dont have a trigger pull guage..but a good guess would be the trigger is around 4 lbs on the Kahr and has a seemless pull. Its a very nice gun to shoot.
In regards to "taking a hit" selling the little monster. There is no way I wont lose out alittle, given the nature of the gun....to bad. Hate to say it but thats life!...hope it goes to a good home.
Shoot well