OK, did it again, didn't need it.


New member
Tripped across a like new Ruger P345 with case and all that was issued with it.
What is wrong with me...I did not need it but, I still wanted it. Price was at a give away price. LOL


New member
What is wrong with me...I did not need it but, I still wanted it.

After careful consideration, I decided that nothing is wrong with you.
I think it's normal to buy up to 482 "last-gun-for-me".


New member
Vet66, I'll be rude, what was the "give away" price. I like the feel of the grip on these new Rugers. But still trying to get over the P89 of twenty years ago. That was a "brick".


New member
I always say that the appropriate number of guns to own is "one more" :D If you like it and you can afford it then I see no problem at all.


New member
What's wrong with you, you're not "streamlining" your collection? LOL
Half price!!! Like the ladies say when they buy their forty seventh purse, "but honey, it was on sale!"
Great find, congrats.:D


New member
Didn't need a like new out-of-production pistol but bought it anyway...
I think that would be a rather long line of guilty people!

T. O'Heir

New member
You don't need any firearm. Fortunately, it's not a need thing. It's a, "I want one." thing.
"...Half of market value..." Whose market? There's one on Gunbroker at $279. They go up to about $450 BNIB. Not that it matters.

lee n. field

New member
Half of market value.

The 345 was one of the first dropped when Ruger started to phase out the P series guns. What is "market value"? (Apart from the observation that market value is what the market will pay.)

I'd have probably jumped on it too. I have a P-90* with a bunch of magazines, and this is a much handier size.


(*All the Ruger P-series .45s (P90, P97, P345) use the same magazines. Part number may be different, but they all work in all the guns.)
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New member
I don't know... Buying a gun you don't really need sounds like crazy talk to me;)

Congratulations on your new addition. Have fun with it!


New member
Nice buy! I keep thinking my last purchase was my final purchase, but then another slinky handgun, or rifle, smiles at me.


New member
Need has nothing to do with buying a new gun...
(at least that's what I always tell my wife)


New member
T. O'Heir You don't need any firearm. Fortunately, it's not a need thing. It's a, "I want one." thing. "...Half of market value..." Whose market? There's one on Gunbroker at $279. They go up to about $450 BNIB. Not that it matters.

Well, I would never pay the price asked on Gunbroker, I don't like posting what I pay for a firearm because some people get upset....LOL. Insofar as my
buying habits, If I don't have that model then I want it....don't need it. I guess I'm just .....


New member
What most folks don't understand is that with guns, it's not a matter of "need," it's a matter of "want."

The National Dairy Council says: "You never outgrow your need for guns." LOL!!:D:D
You have a malfunction:cool:. This is from Terminator 3 at the large hangar, when he has conflicting programs.

My wife bought numerous pieces of various authentic Meissen 'porcelain' over the years (she also toured the Fabrik in Meissen, Germany), therefore she understands my malfunction.


New member
It's OK. I really didn't "need" the Ruger P95DC I bought a few months ago either.

Didn't stop me from buying it. I thought the price I paid was a "steal" also.


New member
If it makes you feel better then yes, you are a bad person!;)
If it made you "bad" for every gun that you bought that you didn't need, my name would be Gollum.
I would say that 80% of my collection is a "I want that" and only 20% is "I need that". It would be a lot easier if they only made one handgun and one rifle but what fun would that be.