OK all you "AimPoint" scope users. Got a question,,,,


New member
It'll certainly work, but for a handgun I'd prefer a Micro.

As for seeing through it better than a scope... depends on what it's being compared to. It won't gather a lot of light like a large objective scope would.


New member
(Disclaimer: I've not used a 9000, only a CompM4.)

I don't think the amount of light will be appreciably more with the 9000, and the Micro will be much smaller, a little lighter, and only requires one mounting point.


New member
The micro weighs less than half as much as the 9000SC and is much shorter, so from strictly inertial/leverage concerns I'd expect it to be more durable in this application.

I think you can throw out "light gathering" on non magnifying optics as well.

That's my take at least... I'd be interested to hear if someone disagrees and why.
