Oil or wax?


New member
When dealing with older long guns what is the best treatment for the surface of a rifle or shotgun? I am not talking about moving parts but the outside of the barrel, receiver or other non moving parts. I read somewhere that a good quality wax or polymer will preserve the metal better. What has anyone else found?

T. O'Heir

New member
Grease for long term storage with no regular maintenance. Oil will run off with gravity pulling on it. WD-40 if you can regularly reapply. Wax is a lot of work to put on.


New member
Gun specific wax is by far the best for long term storage. I waxed up a stock and action of a browning blr and took it hunting in very rainy weather. I couldnt find any rust o it when i was done.


New member
I tried out plain ol' Johnson's paste wax back in the late sixties because I got tired of finding rusty spots on my guns using oil. I have had no rust issues since.


New member
Renaissance on the wood and RIG on the metal seems to work well. I try to wipe off and reapply periodically.